Once again, I feel like Maggie just needs to get over it. Without spreading my family's dirty laundry to the world, there were similar circumstances when my parents divorced, and I found out when I overheard some family members gossiping about it. Sure I was upset -anyone would be- but I saw that my parents were much happier apart so I accepted it and that was that.
Now Maggie, on the other hand, is acting like this is all about her. Like her parents not being together anymore is all about how it impacts her. And it's pretty obvious her mom is happy because she's living the life she wants to live and doing the things she wants to do. That should make Maggie happy! I would/do love to see my parents do that. Instead though, Maggie stomps her feet and throws a tantrum about it.
I can get on board with Maggie feeling weird about her mom meeting Meredith and Richard, and even to a certain extent her coworkers, without her, but the rest is just her being ridiculous