Next week's preview
Was there a preview for next week? I know they've been doing it during scandal but it wasn't on during the commercial break. Did I miss it?
shareWas there a preview for next week? I know they've been doing it during scandal but it wasn't on during the commercial break. Did I miss it?
shareIt's on
I think it's manipulative to hide the preview of one show in the middle of another show created by the same person. Do they really think that's gonna make me want to watch scandal? I'm already questioning my sanity for continuing GA for 13 years. Sure as hell not gonna start another Shonda show just because she's withholding a preview. I know of no other network that pulls this crap.
Yup it's super frustrating and kind of petty of them. I hate shows that only have their previews online as well. Just show it right at the end like it always used to be.
shareShonda is not in control of the promos or when they air or don't air. ABC publicity is.
Lose one friend. Lose all friends. Lose yourself.
Considering it's TGIT aka Shonda night I'd assume they'd just throw in the mix of her shows however they wanted.
shareAnother thing that I only found that ABC does is extending the shows time for a minute of two. I noticed they did this with Lost, Private Practice and Desperate Housewives or two more series but the last series aired would lose 4 minutes. They would extend it and for those that record it on DVR, would ask what happened in the last few minutes. I think ABC did it so that those watching wouldn't change the channel to another network or program. But, they got so many complaints that they scraped it. I watched Lost live but recorded the other show on the different network.
sharenext week will be a showdown between kempner and the rest for her lack of loyalty. should be interesting
shareMost of the time they're misdirects anyway.