Maggie: she needs to get over herself. She's childish. Yeah, your parents divorced. We get it. But she's taking it like an immature child. Hell, she's taking it WORSE than a child, because my parents divorced when I was a kid and I reacted better than she has. She was absolutely cringe worthy tonight.
Alex, Deluca, Jo and the trial: what a let down. Build this up for half a season only to have the charges dropped before the court case? Ridiculous. Even if they had made that the eventual resolution and still went ahead with some court time it would've been better. Total cop out. Also, I'm glad there wasn't an immediate reunion between Alex and Jo, but I smell a love triangle coming and I think that's an idea that the writers need to let die.
The whole Minnick thing: I'm reallllllllllly hating Katherine. Don't get me wrong, I think Bailey is a horrendous leader, but Katherine is making Bailey do her dirty work. Realistically this decision should have been brought up at the board, and Katherine should have wielded her position on the board. Also, with the total shift in leadership, how has a board meeting NOT been called?
Minnick and Arizona: I actually really dig their chemistry. Assuming Minnick does stick around, I would be okay with them getting together. She kind of reminds me of a female Sloan and I can get on board with that haha
She is their boss, but as partial owners of the hospital and board members, they should have been consulted before there was a regime change. At very least, they should have been informed about the situation.
I'm still trying to remember how she's their boss...? I'm not saying y'all are wrong, just can't remember the setup. I do, however, remember in the second or third season the president of the old board trying to oust Webber and replace him with Derek. Why was the old board the chief's boss but this board isn't?
Because of inconsistent and shotty writing. Richard often had to report to the board, up to as recwntly as season 8 (we saw him dealing with the board during the fallout from Mer tampering withthe trial)
After the settlement from the plane crash, Derek, Meredith, Arizona, Cristina and Callie partnered up with Richard and the Harper Avery Foundation to save the hospital. And then after Cristina left, they gave Bailey a spot on the board. And then made her chief. So that's a problem with the writing right off the bat...
Bailey can't be both a board member and chief because it would be a conflict of interest. Sure doctors on staff can be board members because they know the business but Chief of Surgery, no way. I know this because my uncle was a board member for 45 years for a non-profit religious hospital.
Which is why I think is was utterly stupid to give her the spot on the board and make her the chief in the same episode. No. Give her one, that's fine. But having her be both was dumb. Not to mention the fact that Cristina's wishes were for Alex to step in. Not that that flies in real life, but I'm Grey's world it would haha.
No, sorry- I meant Bailey. How is Bailey the board members' bosses? Weird setup now, I guess. Before, obviously the board was separate from the doctors so there was no conflict and the chief worked at the pleasure of the board. I guess that must have changed when doctors bought the hospital? Who, exactly, does the chief report to?
My child accidentally shattered my screen on my phone this morning. So no, it's not fairly easy to see the trajectory of a conversation, even on nest. But thanks.
No I mean prior to her arrival. Realistically, the board should have had a meeting where they were at least informed, if not consulted, about the plan. Instead we saw everyone receive an email explaining her presence in the hospital. I'm aware that Katherine holds the majority share of the board of however you word it, but that's bad business to conduct backdoor deals and keep secrets from other members of the board.
Yeah I don't like how any of the attendings are acting. Neither the resisters nor the agents of change. Bailey wants to fix the program, and that's totally fine. But in order to run a teaching program, you need your teachers on board with changes. Blind siding them with a regime change is not the way to do that. I am a teacher myself, and I have seen this sort of thing happen before (though not to this extent, but enough that it stifled collaboration within and between departments). It works much better when administration gets people on their side first, and then introduces the change. It stops a lot of in fighting because everyone feels like they've been heard, at very least, and they're not being led by an authoritarian figure. Teaching works best when there is collaboration and communication. There is none of that going on right now. That said, the attendings blackballing Minnick isn't helping anything either. It's a problem on both sides.
Your5e right...Meredith would have inherited his shares more than likely. It was just never mentioned. I feel like the last time the board was even mentioned was in s11 when they were picking between Alex and bailey for Cristina's board seat. They also haven't addressed who has Callie's seat as well, so that would be am issue to work around
I can't believe their was no board meeting - it was such a thing when they formed so I don't understand why she is in charge. I have never really liked her but it should be so obvious that she is behind the whole thinge
Yeah. I guess they're ignoring it now because it's probable that they don't have someone who filled Derek's and Callie's spots. Still, to not even mention it is odd...
I assumed Callie still had her shares and her spot and would use a proxy for decisions and Derek's shares presumably transferred to his wife and she has his voting rights. And Callie LOVES richard. So I agree, how did they not have a board meeting?
Katharine Avery needs to but out of the inner-workings of Grey-Sloan. She appointed her son to sit at the head of the table, allow him to run the show. He has been doing a good job so far. Unless it's just a plot to get Weber to move to Boston with her, in which case, Weber is a part timer and the show will suffer.
Yeah, the entire buildup of the Karev case to end the way it did was stupid, but glad Karev isn't going anywhere. If he left, the show would suffer.
Now, let's talk about Bailey. She needs to go, not from the show but from power. Let's break this down for a minute.
Bailey thought she deserved "Chief Resident" and nearly lost her mind when she didn't get it, only to have it handed to her anyway. Yes, she was a perfect fit there. Fast Forward, Cristina leaves and gives her shares to Alex, making him a share holder. Yet, they give the seat to Bailey. In the real world, only share holders sit on the board. Alex could have fought that and won. Then, the board votes to make Bailey "Chief Of Surgery". Again, she has ZERO experience in this job, yet they give it to her. Now, being chief and a board member would be a conflict elsewhere, but they do it here.
Weber treated Bailey like his own child, gave her everything she needed to succeed and this is the way she treats him? This shouldn't be surprising seeing how she treated her own husband. (Flashback, Bailey knowingly injects a child with so called deactivated HIV Virus after the parents said no. She could have killed him, but only gets a slap on the wrist. Warren tries to save a woman and her baby and get six months suspension for it) Talk about a total smack in the face. She then suspends Grey for speaking out against Minnick. (For those who don't remember Grey is part owner of the hospital.) Then gives Kepner the chief of GS position in the interim. Grey needs to call a board meeting minus Bailey and Katharine Avery and not only vote bailey out as Chief, but revisit the board seat. Let her have her job as surgeon, but that's it. It's clear that "Shonda Rhymes" in some twisted way is using Bailey's character to tell her own story in a manner of speaking. Either put Weber back in as Chief or get someone else, Bailey is done. We have only 4 originals left (one who wasn't even part of the show when the pilot was shot. Karev was added after shooting the pilot was complete and they had to go back and re-shoot the scenes that Karev was in) If one of those is lost, this show is going to lose traction.
Some of the newer characters who can go are...... Edwards - Won't get started here, but let's just say she is another Bailey Wilson - She brings nothing to the show. Deluca & Cross - They're both irrelevant in the show. Kepner - Self explanatory. Minnick - Not good fit. Riggs - Keep him away from Mer, he can stay. Amy - Usless on so many levels.
But Jo could go to the DA and tell him everything she witnessed. The DA could take a chance on using her testimony even of Deluca doesn't want to testify or lies on the stand. At that point Alex's past history would/could be brought into play and the DA could even bring up that the victim initially gave the same story as Jo, but then changed his mind.
But why would she do that? Alex and Jo haven't been together for months. Any anger she had at him seems to have subsided even if they aren't together. She was so upset over the mere THOUGHT of him going to prison she literally vomited. Why would she try to get him locked up?
I sincerely doubt she'd go back. She has absolutely no reason to. The mere idea is ridiculous, even from a self-preservation stand point...she didn't WANT to go to trial because he ex might find her. She has an easy way out now. Why would she drag herself through that? If anyone would've gone to the DA to say Deluca was lying -which is absurd regardless- it would be Maggie but only if she were mad at Alex for messing up her ex. But she's not mad. Jo isn't mad. No one.except Deluca is mad and since he has feelings for Jo it's unlikely he'd rescind his lie. It's not going to happen.
Agree absolutely with everything you said about Bailey. I liked her as a character but I always thought the 'successes' in her career were handed to her simply because the writers liked her character so much. Her appointment to chief just felt so wrong and rushed and undeserved.
It blows my mind how immature Maggie is being. She's hurt that her mother hurt her father, sure, and I can understand that but that's not why she's angry. She's pis*ed because her Mum 'destroyed' their family. Like, she's a grown-a*s woman who lives in a whole other city. It's like when people get angry at their parents for selling their childhood homes. They want the things they grew up with to stay exactly the same and there for them when they decide to take a break from their own 'adult' lives and go visit their past every now and then.
I've never had cancer so I don't know if Maggie's Mum's reaction is something realistic, but I dunno, it seems a bit odd that someone in her situation would choose not to tell their daughter. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems like if you're that ill, you'd want to spend as much time with your family as possible.