Anybody else like everything but Wanda Sykes???
I really, really, really, really enjoyed this movie, but I have to say, the only parts that I absolutely did not like at all were the ones involving Wanda Sykes. I have never found her to be funny or amusing or entertaining at all.
Maybe somebody else will find this and do the typical thing where the bash the poster who says something different about a person they like, but I just have to say this.Steve Carrell, Jonah Hill, Lauren Graham, Morgan Freeman, John Goodman, and really everybody else were excellent. But Wanda just didn't add anything. The thing that really annoyed me was the part where Goodman and the other Congressmen are set to vote on the controversial bill and Evan appears in his full robe and beard and they keep cutting back to what Wanda Sykes is saying to get her reaction. It's like they wanted her to get her screen time in in what they thought would be a supposedly funny way to compliment her comedy career, but to me it was sickening and not funny at all.
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