Creepy Movie, no?

Did anyone else think this was the creepiest movie ever? The dialogue would be cliche coming from people older than, i don't know, past puberty. But coming from little kids the romantic dialogue was a little disturbing? Am I the only one who felt that way.


They did talk a little like grown ups....especially the part about "arab-israeli peace talks" Also you should read the book: Here is one part in the book


In one part of the book when he is returning home from his haircut, he imagines to himself "I hope she runs her soft fingers through my hair" or something like that...


I, myself, didn't think it was that creepy. I was happy with the script. I just didn't like the fact Josh was narrating the whole movie...that means that the directors were not confident that we would able to read his emotions through his facial expressions.


So, you said that there's a book about it. What book is that? I thought that the writers wrote it as a screenplay first, and I didn't think it was based off anything.

And, I really don't think it was creepy. I thought it was really funny. Sure, it is a little weird that he's only 10 and talking like he knows all about love, but that's what makes the movie the way it is!

"Grandma says hi. She says she's sorry for taking the bumblebee pendant. She just likes it a lot."


Josh narrating was okay to set the tone, I guess. I don't think that the directors underestimated him. But it does help us connect with his character more, especially for those above 11 and forgot the tone of an 11 year old kid... going inside an 11 year old's mind was essential for the fil. IMO.


mj_woz: I'm sure you would find a lot of support from a thread a little while back. :D


hmm i didnt think it was creepy at all..i thought it was cute

You *talk* it. We [[live]] it. Your Jealous;; Admit it



this may be shocking to you apparently, but eleven year old kids do have feelings for one another and do think things like that... some even think a little far beyond that. I think adults underestimate some kids' feelings. But no, I do not think it was creepy.


yeah i definately agree with xxwavecravexx yeah i remember being 11 {well duh it was only 2 years ago} but anyway... yeah adults DEFINATELY underestimate kids feelings!


Don't underestimate the 11 yr olds intelligence. When i was 11 i was madly in love with a boy and i had mature conversations with a lot of people.


when i was 11 years old, it was a rare occurance for someone to be "going out" with a person. ah, those were the days of kitschy class projects and yarn drawings in art class.... the longest essays were three paragraphs....*sigh*

although, i think it is true that often a child's intelligence is underestimated.


not really..but i do agree with you.



i didn't think it was creepy at all. they were both 10 or 11, its not like one was 11 and the other was 35 or something. and i don't necessarily think he was in love, maybe he really was, maybe he just thought it was but it was realistic for what having a major crush on someone at that age is like. anyone who thinks this movie is creepy probably has their mind somewhere it shouldn't be. this was just a sweet and innocent movie that some people have read so far into that they are seeing things that aren't even there.


I don't think it's creepy. Anyways, is there a book on this? If so, where do I find it?

Did I invite you to my barbecue?
Then why you all up in my grill?


I dont get how anyone could think this movie is 'creepy'. It basically boils down to a child's first experience with puppy love. It's not like they were tonguing each other down or showing kiddie pornish sex scenes. If anything parents should watch this to get a glimpse of what a kids' first crush is like; what's it's like in the beginning when it's innocent and cute.


There was something slightly creepy about it. I can't say exactly what, but I know what you mean, because they were so young. Had they been 11 and 12 it might have made more sense but he was still 10, the dialogue was so silly and the crush seemed very over-the-top.


It was not creepy when it was just about an innocent crush--only when it started to get too physical did it seem inappropriate--such as when they were practicing karate and he got on top of her. That may have been innocent, but to the audience, it's adult innuendo, and I think that's a distasteful way to show children.


No, it's your adult mind that makes it creepy. When he was on top of her, he wasn't thinking in sexual terms. It was completely innocent because he is a child. There was no innuendo. You created it in your own dirty mind.
