Anymore Movies Like This?

Can you suggest some other good child love movies?

Aw, you wanted the movie to have a happy ending? Too bad!


Child love? Hmm...

The Man in the Moon
Whisper of the Heart

-- Monica :)



A Little Romance. Diane Lane's first film with the legendary Laurence Olivier.

"The cha cha is no more ridiculous than life itself." - Metropolitan


I would say that '13 Going On 30' has a similar charm about it, and fans of this movie would definitely love it! It also depicts this kind of youthful naivete and innocense about love, and Jennifer Garner is adorable in it! But obviously there is a bit more of an adult twist to it because it does star adult actors, though the premise is that of a 13 year old wishing she were older, so there are child actors in a portion of it as well.


i got the perfect movie, that I think is better IMHO. it's called MELODY from 1971
It's like little Manhattan, the red balloon, and the graduate combined


Let the Right One In
The Blue Lagoon


Uh... Let the Right One In is a GREAT movie, however... if you really want a movie like Little Manhattan, that one is the COMPLETE opposite of feel good sweetness lol IMO


Flipped (2010)


Whisper of the Heart
Man in the Moon
My Girl (well, this is more of a friendship movie, but it has the same feel as Little Manhattan)

Why did I write? Because I found life unsatisfactory.
*~Tennessee Williams~*
