language of the birds
After the library got robbed they talked about a language of the birds that used to be the only language in the world until god decided otherwise.. is this true? and is there such thing as a language of the birds?
shareAfter the library got robbed they talked about a language of the birds that used to be the only language in the world until god decided otherwise.. is this true? and is there such thing as a language of the birds?
shareWell, i don't know much about the "Language of the Birds," but i figure that there must have been one common language before everyone began spreading out after Adam and Eve.
"Nothing is final until you're dead--and even then, I'm sure God negotiates."
as referanced in Babel (2006) god wasnt happy that everyone could communicate to eachother, so he divided us and diversified us
This is YOUR LIFE and it is ending one minute at a time!
Yeah. The people started working together to build a The Tower of Babel so that they could reach God. So God make the people talk different. That way they could not finnish the tower.
Language of the Birds is something existing in manny diffrent mythology. It was said to be something that all birds talked and that they only told the chosen people.
well seeing as theres no such thing as god and that adam and eve didnt exist im fairly certain that the language of the birds is a myth, a nice myth but a myth none the less
sharewell seeing as there is such a thing as god and that adam and eve did exist im fairly certain that the language of the birds is not a myth... :)
Hmmm, an atheist that puts down all other opinions with certainty and a snobby attitude. Oh and a theist that threatens death and retribution cause he hates people that think different! What a microcosm.
Morons. Talk about movies will you.
I'm a she, btw, and i wasn't threatening, I was quoting a comedian. Look up Dane Cook, why don't you. Get a sense of humor.
Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.
id like to say im sorry and that i was mistaken, i found out a guy at my work can read and write the language of the birds, it was amazing i was working with him and saw what he was writing and realised that he was writing it fluently
it wasnt until then that it came to me, all these times we called it chicken scribble and hyroglyphics it was really the mythical language of the birds
so id like to say i was wrong and that it really does exists, i still dont know what it is that he writes down nor does anyone else
How very Christian of you. Kill yourself.
shareI was actually quoting Dane Cook, but whatev. I really have no problems with atheists, it was just a great opportunity to use that, but I guess nobody here has a sense of humor...
Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.
Dude thats not only rude it's arrogant. How would you like it if I suggested you kill yourself for something you believe, like who you vote for or what sort or sexuality you choose?
If you don't like religion thats fine, its you right to choose what to believe, but if you want the world to be a better place try being a better person first and showing people the care, concern, and compassion that you would like, not expect, someone to show you.
If you wonder what God thinks of money look at who he gives it to
FWIW, most people who don't believe in the Biblical creation story are not atheists. They're Hindus, Buddhists, animists, etc. All Christian faiths are religions, but not all religions are Christian.
"A language of the birds, a mystical, perfect or divine language, or a mythical or magical language used by birds to communicate with the initiated, is postulated in mythology, medieval literature and occultism."
Check it out at Wikipedia:
There are several images included from religious and mythological texts from hundreds of years old ( 18th Century Icelandic , 11th Century Sweden , etc; )
Hope it helps.
They weren't actually building a tower to reach God, but a tower that would have "its top in the heavens", as in a very tall tower. Anyway the point of the story wasn't that they were building a tower, it was the attitude behind building it. It was a tower to the glory of humans, rather than God.
Exactly. It was about taking over heaven, so that they could dethrone God. It was about power. God created a paradise on earth and it still wasn't enough.
I love it when people misquote the Bible and give it their own interpretation or demean the Bible because they don't agree with it.
Actually, they built it all the way. It was just that God accidentally sat on it, and the tip entered his anus. It made him have strangely happy feelings, which confused him. So he denounced both those feelings and the tower.
Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.
Seriously, did the OP actually ask if the language of the birds was a true story?
I guess that you should believe in Pandoras Box, the Covenant, Excalibur, Shangrila, Egyptian Gods etc etc etc literally too then.
"I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar."
Hoban 'Wash' Washburn
I don't see how believing in Egyptian Gods is strange. To me it is not stranger than believing in the Christian God .
shareActually excalibur is thought to have existed. It was not a magical sword in any sense but rather the name of a very well made sword passed down through a liniage of saxon and christian knights. It as not uncommon for swords used by famous knights or lines of nobility to be given names as they became symbols of the house and thier offering to a king was not just offering the nobel or knights loyalty but of his house, all his forces and his family's loyalty till the king was replace. It was also a pivotal factor in th code of chivalry where a knight could swear on his sword as a binding oath of honor, something equivalent to swearing on the honor of his house, which would iclude the honor of his father and any brothers he may have had. It's actually this reverence and naming of the sword, combined with its use by exceptional knights and swordsmen that it is believed gave birth to the idea of the sword having supernatural powers.
As for believing in the Egyptain gods that could go either way as the Egyptians believed that thier Pharoh was god and when he died he ascended to godhood before returning to inhabit his body and protect the Egyptian people. That's a large reason for mummification and for the temples they built to thier pharohs. But of your talking about the gods like Isis, Osiris, Baphomet, Ra, Anubis, Apophis and so on and so forth, there is no way to prove they did not exist as they may have been Phaohs or tribal leaders from before the birth of Egypt as a whole and they Mythology as we know it simply was built up around them as many of the legends in other parts of the world.
As for the other three while there are far more theories than proof as to where the legends and myths came from there is also no real proof that they never existed, just that we haven't found any that they did. Yet.
Keep in mind that with history, any myth is legend until they find evidence that it does exist. Helike in greece, Ubar in Iram, Bjarmaland in what is now Russia and most notiably of all Troy. These were all cities, not artifacts, people, or languages; Cities, lost to the ravages of time and thought to be myth and legend that we now know existed and have even found. Something smaller, like an artifact or as incorporial as a language, would be somewhere on an order of magnitude harder to locate or prove the existence of.
If you wonder what God thinks of money look at who he gives it to