Artifacts not in the Library
How can Tesla's Death Ray and Pandora's Box be in The Library when we already know that they are in Warehouse 13?
"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"
How can Tesla's Death Ray and Pandora's Box be in The Library when we already know that they are in Warehouse 13?
"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"
Two different shows, same or similar idea. Also The Librarian was produced first.
shareThe Librarian was absolutely not made first, why would even think that?
shareThe Librarian was absolutely not made first, why would even think that?I don't understand you "Warehouse 13" is listed as 2009, and this was made in 2004. share
I think he means chronologically, not in the order the TV series were made. Warehouse 13 (or one of its predecessors was started a long, long time ago.
"Mediocre Marx Brothers is better than no Marx Brothers!"
If he meant chronologically then why did he say "The Librarian", and not "The Library". Also he said it was 'Produced' first (not a word you would tend to use unless you were talking about the order the programs were made in).
shareIn a galaxy far far away.......
If you wonder what God thinks of money look at who he gives it to
I hear that Little Boy (the atomic bomb) is in the Library, but everyone knows that Little Boy vaporized itself in 1945. It nicely makes the point that most things that are legendary are also nonexistent.
Pretend something clever is written here.
Wan't there two atomic bombs, Little boy, and the other one named "fat man"
shareThere were three distinct bomb designs, and there were three bombs detonated prior to the end of WWII. Skinny Man was the primary design from the start, and Fat Man was the backup design. When Skinny Man proved beyond our technological capabilities, they scrapped it and started up the Little Boy project. Fat Man didn't have a lot of confidence behind it, even though the numbers worked on paper, so they tested one device in the desert prior to loading one of each up to send to Japan. Both of those we're successfully detonated as well. After the war, they made more of these air-drop nukes before eventually replacing them with ICBMs once rocket technology was invented. So there actually were several leftover nukes of either the Fat Man and/or Little Boy varieties.