Annoying - SPOILER

Has anyone else been annoyed that we see the waves crashing into the rocks and Rachel "just" having boated over to the light house without as much as a spash of water dripping from her face?

In real life, he motor boat would have been smashed on to the rocks and she dragged into the sea and drowned!


Annoying, sure, if you are picky about tiny details. But why did you say this is a spoiler?


Picky much? Do you pick all movies apart like that? Is there any such thing as a perfect movie?
I get lost in the story if it's well told and this one was. I don't care about the inconsistencies that much. As long as they don't ruin the movie. And the one you pointed out certainly didn't ruin this intriguing movie.


This did get to me - I had to laugh as it happens over and over and one is wondering how she could possibly find any calm spot in such crashing waters, much less boat across the entire body of water numerous times with no problems. :) Still loved the movie!


yeah, this was annoying. She jets over to the island across a raging sea (even in the dark) as if it is nothing.
