The mirror

Can anybody explain the scene where she is looking in the mirror and running her hand through her hair, and the one hand stops moving and the other continues to go through her hair. Then dramatic music and she touches the mirror,am I an ediot or what cuz i don't get it.


idiot, i think i just awnsered my question


It's just a weird sequence where the camera goes into the mirror and ends up on the other side to how it was before. Interesting scene! Demi even gives us a tear haha.


I know but what about the hand stopping and then the hand moving?


Oh yea.. I don't know it's a bit strange. Probably something Rachel see's in her head as she thinks she is loosing it.


Experiences like this are often called "dissociative states" by clinical psychologists. It usually follow a period of heightened stress, where perception is faster than the brain can process the visual clues. It makes people think they are losing their minds, until they can reset their equilibrium (as Rachel does when she touches the mirror). I think it was put in just to suggest a paranormal or ghostly happening. It spooked me, so it did its job.

The going through the mirror technique has also been used effectively in "Secret Garden" with Johnnie Depp, showing the character's progressive dementia.

By the way, Demi is an abbreviation for dementia, anyway.


The going through the mirror technique has also been used effectively in "Secret Garden" with Johnnie Depp, showing the character's progressive dementia.

It was actually "Secret Window".

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I think this scene was but in the movie.. because the director thought that it would be.. soooooo cooooll :D:D:D:D



I thought something very strange was going to happen too but I think it just might have been a little mistake. Sometimes a camera needs to point at an angle where you think you should totally be able to see it in the mirror but you can't. You can see the persons reflection in the mirror as well as 1/4 profile but it's not only one person. It's a little trick that is done with not only the actor you see but someone who looks like them from the back. I have no idea what this technique is called but I know it's a real thing. In that scene we see Demi Moore in the mirror but it isn't really a reflection. She's on one side of the so called mirror and a double is on the other mirroring Demi's movements. I think that either the double moved her hand too fast, through her hair, or Demi moved her's too slow. What ever the reason for the discontinuity, it sure did add a little something, didn't it.


No way it was a mistake as it would be so obvious... I think the double wasn't supposed to copy Demi's exact movements. That's what freaks Rachel out as she looks at the mirror and notices her movements are not in her reflection and her expression says it all... Why would she get all freaked out by looking at herself...


You're probably right. I just know that I have seen mistakes, like what I described before, and, at first, thought that that might have been one of them.


Well, tippinsgirl, this is definitely no error. Therefore such a scene is too complicated and furthermore, it was too obvious.
They had to track the camera movement to film Demi on both sides of the mirror to create one scene, in which you see Demi's reflection, then go through the mirror to see the real one, both full frontal without a cut.

Anyway, I believe this scene was a reference to one of the scenes in the beginning of the movie, where her son sees his reflection in the water and finally touches it, just before he dies. There are more scenes like this, in which he does almost the same things like Demi. I belive that was done to show their deep relationship.


It was a visualization of the "malediction" (or rather ghost) similar to the scene in the movie Below.... a cool and creepy effect.




So basically it was either a cool camera trick used to show off or there was a synchronization problem. tippinsgirl74 gives a plausible explanation that I'm not conviced this crew has earned. Neither Craig Rosenberg (writer, director) nor Ashley Rowe (cinematographer) film history suggest they like to do whizzy things in movies.

Then again, almost 20 people were on staff in the sound and visual effects departments. So it's possible the mirror scene was a very complicated, complexly planned out scene. Besides the ice cream cone keychain in the water, it would give them something to dig their teeth into.

I suppose that unless one of the production staff comes clean in an interview, people can pick whichever option they want.

Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.


well 4 years later I think it wqas intentional


It reminded me of the scene on the ferry in "Dolores Claiborne" in which Jennifer Jason Leigh looks in the mirror and sees the back of her head.

"If I don't suit chu, you kin cut mah thoat!"


What explanation are you looking for?

To me the scene is suggesting that she's losing her mind, not so much that there's a ghost, which is what the scammers (as we later find out) were exploiting.



I thought the hand was supposed to be that of Angus Mcchulloch, but it could have just been in her head as she was hallucinating before, I believe.


Missed that. So intent in looking into other parts of the mirror waiting for a figure to appear.
