MovieChat Forums > Medium (2005) Discussion > The real Alison is a hidous, snotty

The real Alison is a hidous, snotty

arogant b*tch. Did anyone see her at another arrogant B's house (Camile Grammer) on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 2011. Alison really put her foot in her mouth and did NOT impress me AT ALL.

Lets have another 4 years! Vote Obama, not the man in a cult who wears magic underwear.


yeah ive seen her on something and thought that show Allison was better


That was the trickery of "reality tv " editing. The real Alliso Dubouis is awesome! She is sassy yes and tells it like it is. Se doesn't take crap from anyone. But I've heard her as a guest on the johnjay and rich radio show many times over the years, and she has a caring a soul. I commend a woman who has the strength and courage to stick up for herself and her friends. You only got to see whatever the editors wanted you to see on that stupid episode. Don't judge someone on one edited version of a fake realty show.


Hi Allison.


I think they should have changed names/details for this show because people see it and believe she really is psychic. Sometimes families contact her when a child goes missing but of course she can't help.


Really? She really isn't psychic?

They base the main point of the show being based on a true to life Alison... What does she actually do then?

I had the grace to see and briefly meet her at promotional tour her in Aust... To me she seemed very switched on, but very professional... All the backlash she got she handled very well... I had no inclination that she was a bitch... More like a dominant woman...

I'm am extremely impressed with Patricia Arquette's assignment... Its stated obviously she does anger and crying really bad, but as a suburban mother dealing with this extremely difficult gift, I find her amazing... I would looooove to have her as my mother.... She is not overly forceful and/or strict and she does show a lot of love to her children... Not to get personal, but an extreme far cry from my own mother.

¸.· ¸.·´¨) Buffy Lives
(¸.·´ (_.·´*


I think they should have changed names/details for this show because people see it and believe she really is psychic. Sometimes families contact her when a child goes missing but of course she can't help.

Agreed 100%. Finding out that Allison is real, and that a psychic (that is, a fraudster) was thriving on the show's popularity, all but spoiled the fun I used to have watching this.

And that is a shame, because the show is good, but I just cannot condone the hype it causes in real life.

