MovieChat Forums > Medium (2005) Discussion > Is there any arcs or just individual sto...

Is there any arcs or just individual stories per episode?

I'm almost finished series 1 and was hoping for some arcs by now.

I am enjoying it but I do like arcs that have really well written twists. I know each episode has it's own twists but when it's done over a number of episodes maybe skipping a few here and there it builds suspense. Fringe would be a good example of what I mean they used so many arcs especially with (spoiler ahead) Peter being from the red universe it was awesome!

So yeah just hoping for some arcs?




By arcs do you mean the storyline carries on over to the next episode? If that's what you mean then there are quite a few in the rest of the series. Some have just the two join episodes, others have three. I'd definitely recommend watching the whole series :)


Yeah that's what I meant, thanks :)


Ok cool :) you're welcome


yes there are several good ones, I think in s3 and 4


Season 5 has 2 or 3 arc like stories.

Captain Push is a sort of an arc

There is the whole Joe's solar cell arc

Kurtwood Smith/F.B.I. Agent Edward Cooper arc

Cynthia Keener arc
