Motor oil as an accelerant ..Season 7 scene in caravan/trailer..
Christ, don't writers have an editor with any technical/mechanical savvy one on the whole crew has ever done basic servicing work on a car?
you can't make motor oil burn anything like that, it will not even function as an effective accelerant at all-let alone erupt in an explosion!
Dirty engine oil, soak a rag in it, you can sort of get to sizzle along,because of the carbon in it, clean engine oil, you run out of matches trying to light it on fire.
If it was that inflammable, your engine would keep catching on fire, and an autoparts joint which has shelves and shelves stacked with containers of it, would be a real fire-hazard.
Who thought this thing up? Why not the usual gasoline/kerosene, even diesel even though not as easy as gas and kero, or even acetone paint thinners which are all effective accelerants?
Why the hell some guy pouring out --motor-oil-- on the floor, to threaten to burn someone up.