Why House's therapist was an IDIOT
I know, I know...the guy helped House get clean and sober, right? He even helped House start connecting with people for once.
But the most idiotic idea in the world...is to make your goal to BE happy...and House made that his goal with this therapist.
If you make your goal to BE happy, something will always happen to sabotage your emotional stability.
Because House's goal was based on something so impossible...
when he lost what meant most to him, and life didn't meet his expectations, even though he did all the "right things" to get there...he left therapy...and eventually ended up back on Vicodin.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming the therapist for House's relapse.
But I am blaming the therapist for helping turn house into more of a wimp by setting such a stupid goal.
His goal should have been something like..."be more happy then I used to".
You set that goal, then you'll always be able to justify the things that are happening to you. But even that goal is a bit to "unicorn" and fluffy.
A good goal for House would have been..."Solve the puzzle of being content with being alone..even without a drug". That would have worked.
House loves being right. And finding the solution.
You tell him to solve the above puzzle, and he won't relent.
In this case,he wouldn't have been devastated when things didn't work out in his relationships.
Anyways. The lesson is...be careful with the goals you set. The words you use with yourself are more powerful than you think.