Ok it's official i hate the hallucinations episodes, they are too depressing and boring, im hating season 5 its my worst till now I haven't seen House on top at all in this season, he is not the leader he was in the previous seasons and i was excited with the idea seeing him working with a new team.
The last bright happy season was the 4th i thought it it would be the sixth where the series would get completely dramatic and abadon the comedy but ughh im really hating this season The previous seasons had me in great mood and left a smile on my face now i want to screaaam the producers turned this into the equal to the Craig Bond while in the first seasons we had the equivalent to Connery Bond.
I might get used to it and love it latter but i remember how much hatted when they abandoned the formula and how much i hatted Craig at the beginning im feeling the same way right now with House.
Well House really isn't meant to be a comedy . House is not a happy guy. They do use a lot of wit and humor at times . Season four had quite a bit of it. Episodes like Alone and Games
I still find one of the funniest episodes to be House and Wilson attending the funeral of House's dad ! Season 5 is overall darker and has some tediousness and annoying elements like the Cuddy baby drama . I don't want to say much about season six yet.
Mmmmm yiu are worrying me on not telling much of season 6 and yes season 5 turned darker. It had a few funny moments overall it was much more dramatic than the previous seasons.
But you know ive realized i shouldn't have condemned House much for that wiith all tv dramas happens the same, as they advance thye get darker each season including CW. Reign started as The Tudors Vanilla and by the end of season two got pretty much to the same level of darkness of The Tudors and Game of Thrones.
Now i know i whine a lot but at i come back for more of the show just taking a few breaks when it goes too far. But let me tell you something i used to think modern day shows weren't for me and my cup of tea was just made for period dramas but house has changed my mind.
Thanks for the warning and true its having a lot of changes like Foreman in charge and ughh again House hearing voices, seems Ike the House of the first seasons is gone forever
I had hopes after the rehab we would get, that first version of house for a long time but no, why shore decided the cases weren't that cool anymore. ? Why did he change his mind, ? He went from making a Sherlock holmes esque series to a sort of Dexter, Grey's Anatomy and who knows what else.
Did you get frustrated with the latter seasons after the show stopped being focused on the cases? I can't concentrate on the cases when there is too much drama with House himself, i couldn't concentrate with the cases because of Tritter, lost some concentration of the cases but minimal with bogler, latter came the idiotic allusinations with Amber and now that I thought things came back to normal house is screwing up his classes so he might not get his Licence back and he is hearing voices again.
I guess i will watch now the next seasons frustrated, I thought i would only hate from Huddy break up till the end but the Big drama started in season 5.
Couldn't they have left us with just 2 very dramatic tragic seasons and keep the previous tone till half of season 7. ?
I already know im gonna hate the ending by House sacrificing his career for Wilson and its not much about Wilson but for a bromance, if he would have finished his career i would have prefered for any of the womenhe loved but still not.
I would have prefered him just to be the diagnosis leader from a different hospital.
Season 8 is closer to the early seasons. There was a time in the middle of the series when Shore had very little to do with what was going on . For about 2 1/2 years Katie Jacobs was more or less the one running it. Shore returned about mid season 7 . KJ liked more the more atypical episodes and more character driven stories.
I would be interested in your favorite and least favorite episodes, how they would compare to mine. I don't have any one type of episode but I don't know if you would want to do that before you finish all of them.
ohhh ok now i see, why the show went more about the characters than the cases. I like some a little un typical episodes but not that untypical like for example the one of the plain where we had two caeses, one with the chinese guy solved by house and the other was the old lady with Cancer.
Here some of my favorite episodes till now
Euphoria The pilot. Damned if you do: the one about the nun who got sick due to the anti pregnancy device Three stories House saving the girl from the South Pole by web cam The air plain episode with House and Cuddy The one with the pregnant photographer Failure to comunicate House vs God All in The three episodes with Alli (the young stalker) The one where House attends a case for CIA All the internship episodes
Mmm a road trip with House and thirteen, that looks very interesting im curious how would they get along. Thirteen seems like she likes House more everytime and he seems to warm up to her, except for making her breakup with Foreman.
Im excited for the 3th team : Chase, Tuab, Thirteen and Foreman two guys from the original team and two from the replacement.
And this one is getting lighter than the fifth season though i feel horrible for House how he is in love with Cuddy but now she is with Lucas, Lucas is so boring and safe so not her type. She really doesn't see at him the way she looks at House. I can't believe she didn't really listen to the guy she had one date with he practically told her she was wasting her time dting other guys when she was already into House.
I like Cuddy very much but she is frustrating me on how blind she is behaving with her House relationship and now i know how stupid she will be by being engaged with Lucas.
For me Lucas is beyond creepy and he gets more that way before he leaves. He does some things to House and Wilson I found disgusting . But at least his screentime is limited and he doesn't get a big send off or anything . I don't like or dislike Huddy depending on how it was written it could be rather tolerable . I didn't care for the focus on her personal life it was boring and the direction of her character didn't help.
Originally, David Shore intended to end the series after season 3 and House ending up without a team. But since the ratings were so good, the FOX network coaxed him into continuing the show. During season 5 and season 7 David Shore made 2 unsuccessful attempts to resuscitate 'The Rockford Files'. With Katie Jacobs at the helm, while he was distracted, the series became more like a soap opera. Many people began to describe it as a second Greys Anatomy, back then. David Shore being distracted resulted in getting more Huddy then he originally had planed it. DS said so in a question and answer session.
I was never sure if they never intended to to not bring back the original three team members back but did so the change would not be so drastic ? Did they want to try and figure out a way to use all of them?
For me season four is one of my favorites and using the original team worked pretty good but less so after that. By season six getting back to not having what amounts to extra characters made sense.
It all makes sense. Definitely much more sense and its quite obvious how season 6 is not that personal and dramatic as season 5 and seems like season 7 will be.
I wished Shore would have never been distracted the show gets better under his helm even if i don't agree with his ending ideas. I wouldn't have make him end without a team and niether the ending he picked sacrificing his career for Someone else.
I would just have made him control his need of the vicodin and get him a whole new team, starting again the internship.