I am just beginning to watch this show "House MD" and started from first season. I liked the show a lot because unlike hospital drama this one was more focused on the science and you learn a lot from watching. This character of "House" was something to get use to, there was one particular episode with the little girl who had cancer and House wants to do this experiment surgery, but that will only give her one more year to live. There is a scene where House goes to talk to the little girl and it was something I was kind disturbed by among all the other weird things House had done this but to ask a little 9 year old why do you want to live, what is the point to go one more year in pain?.that was really disturbing and shocking even for a detach prick like House to go that far?. I can't believe anyone can be this detached as a doctor and that scene was very distasteful. I mean ok I get this guy is a miserable and gets off on being who is, I think I got with 21 episodes in the first season but to ask a little girl who has Cancer why do you want live another year is just beyond sick?..
He was actually treating her with respect, by explaining what was happening and asking her if she actually wanted another year of painful treatment. She already knew she was going to die.
He wasn't detatched at all, he was giving her the choices nobody else had given her.
I agree. Andie had spent the majority of her short life in hospitals, receiving painful and unpleasant treatments. She knows that what they're doing won't save her life, it will just give her another year or so at best. That scene where House goes to talk to her, to give her a choice, between another year or so with her mother, that would undoubtedly include more pain and suffering, and a way out of her pain, was, in my opinion, one of the most moving scenes in the entire series.
I agree. It was a very moving scene. We usually only see this side of House when he's alone with a patient. And this time it happened to be a little girl.
I think at first he was turned off by the whole idea of this child being brave by facing her disease, but then realized dealing with her illness made her much more mature than another child her age... and even some adults.
Her mother and doctors had been making all the decisions for her treatments up to that point without asking for her input. She went along with all of it not because she was afraid to die but because she didn't want to leave her mother alone.
She was also not naive about her treatments or her prognosis. She talked very candidly and intelligently with Chase about it. House was the first one to talk with her alone like an adult to be sure she understood what this latest dangerous invasive procedure would involve. And again, she made the decision to go forward not because she was afraid to die but to give her mother a few more months with her.
I thought it was an amazing scene.
Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans. No she doesnt.
His words might have been harsh, but he was treating her like an adult -- with respect, like you said. She didn't even need the situation explained to her. She knew -- she just wanted to soothe her mother by staying around longer, even if it meant more pain for her. House was challenging her to instead choose what she really wanted for herself.
It's interesting to look back at this episode in light of the final arc of the series.
It's hard not to be moved by that scene. House and Chase scenes with her were very good. I don't think he was being cruel he wanted to know what she thought and how she felt. Something all the other though well meaning adults overlooked.
He wasn't detatched at all, he was giving her the choices nobody else had given her
. Wow, really? Maybe you missed out on the scene where House asked Wilson if he can watch how she reacts when he tells her she is going to die. Is that what you call not being detached?
His words might have been harsh, but he was treating her like an adult -- with respect,
is this a Oxymoron?.
That scene where House goes to talk to her, to give her a choice,
Would you talk to a 9 year old girl like that who has cancer? who has as you say "receiving painful and unpleasant treatments", who knows she is going to die. Why does she even take her meds and shots, is it because she wants to die?. Is that really question of Choice, something House had to really ask?.
I don't think he was being cruel he wanted to know what she thought and how she felt.
Maybe Dr. Josef Mengele, who was the German officer physician in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II didn't feel what he was doing to children as being cruel either?
I think either I am watching a different show or different episode or I didn't express clearly what I meant in post about that scene. I mean I read all you people who commented on this post but I think you all miss the point?.
Maybe we just don't share the same perspective when it comes to things like treating a 9 year old girl who has cancer and has a year to live,perhaps less harsh and more empathy, which is not part of who House is as human being. I do what you all posted about House explaining to her but to him it was also more of an experiment to test how brave this little girl is, not because he cared. If you really go back and watch that episode again, the KEY SCENE was prior to that scene, when House told Wilson: "I want to see how brave she is when he you tell her she is going to die". Wilson told him to "go to hell". But as reluctant House was he stood in the corner to watch her reaction but that still didn't satisfy his sick sense of curiosity to really see the reaction up close and personal.
So please lets not try and sugar coat something by calling "respect" when its cruel; his words were harsh, yes I find that scene moving too but it was feeling sorry for the little girl to have to explain to a bastard detached doctor why it was important for her to live. This is the part you all missed in that scene an yet you all want to defend House for giving the 9 year old girl the pep adult talk about facts of life?.as if she hasn't been through enough hell to know that and yet she is still fighting to live. Please ask yourself when you watch that scene why didn't House meet with her alone?,...because he knew none of the other doctors like Wilson, Cuddy, Chase, etc would stand there and allow House talk to a dying cancer patient and give her those choices, a doctor's job is to save Lives even if its a week.
I really wonder sometimes how detached our American culture has become when it comes to our value system. I mean here is a tv fictional show that comes to a lot of real life episodes such as CANCER. You all have this perception that what House did was right and that is what is even more disturbing than the show itself?. Have anyone one of you ever been inside a Cancer ward and seen young children who have cancer?. I hope you do and volunteer work there some time just for a day or a week and then you watch that episode and tell me House was respectful?
One thing I like about this show that it never tries to hide who House really is as person, not just as doctor but as a person. He may come off as this brilliant doctor but one thing this show never lets us forget is how detached and miserable this guy really is to go and have a discussion about life with a 9 year old cancer patient. DO YOU PEOPLE REALLY GET THAT?
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I think he started out viewing this case with his typical cynicism, but after getting to see the remarkable way Andie was dealing with her illness he genuinely came to respect her, so much so that he wanted to give her a choice.
He said some absolutely crappy things, as is always House's way, but he slowly came around to truly admiring Andie and even liking her in his gruff House-ian way.
"Maybe Dr. Josef Mengele, who was the German officer physician in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II didn't feel what he was doing to children as being cruel either?
I think either I am watching a different show or different episode or I didn't express clearly what I meant in post about that scene. I mean I read all you people who commented on this post but I think you all miss the point?. "
-------------------------------------------- Yup, maybe you are watching a different show because you're the only person who seems to have a problem with the ep.
Yeah it's quite a leap to compare House to a Nazi doctor.
House's tone actually changes and softens when he's talking to Andie. He's not being cruel at all.She is a mature little girl who knows what's going on.He gave her a choice and he respected it.Clearly she didn't have any problem with him on her way out of the hospital.
I actually thought this thread was going to be about the most controversial part of the episode,when Chase kisses Andie on the lips. Every thread about Autopsy always seems to be about that.
you're the only person who seems to have a problem with the ep.
That is correct and that is the exact reason I posted a thread about it, and judging from the post replied it really tells how detached some of you people are. Maybe I missed the part when Andie says to House: "I want to get better", and for House to continue to repeat that you have Cancer and you are going to die, while she is crying her eyes out. Wow, maybe that's why I have a problem with it, pardon me to feel that is cruel. reply share
If you are seriously drawing a parallel with Mengele, you need to get a grip on reality.
a doctor's job is to save Lives even if its a week.
There is no such thing as a doctor "saving a life" for a week. And no, a doctor's job is NOT to treat at all costs. When a patient is terminal, a doctor talks to that patient about the options -- and if a treatment only offers the possibility of extra time at the expense of pain and other side effects, they will be truthful about that.
You keep blustering about Andie having to explain why it's important to live. All she did was admit that she's enduring for her mother's sake, not her own:
Andie: I wanna get better.
House: You’ve got cancer. I fix this…
Andie: I’ve got a year.
House: A year of this. A lot of people wouldn’t want that. A lot of people would just want it to be over.
Andie: Are you asking if I want to die?
House: Nobody wants to die. But you’re going to. The question is how, how much you’re gonna suffer and how long. I’m asking if you want this to be over.
Andie: What would you tell my mom?
House: I could give her ten excellent medical reasons why we can’t do this procedure.
Andie: I can’t just leave her cause I’m tired.
House: But you can’t stay for her either.
Andie: But she needs me here.
House: This is your life, you can’t do this just for her.
Andie: I love her.
Andie knew she was dying. House, unlike the other adults, was telling her she had a choice in how she was going to die. Yeah, House is a jerk, and he talks to all patients, and every character, in ways I would never tolerate from anyone in real life. But this scene wasn't about his sick curiosity -- He wanted that child to make the choice that was right for her. Just watch the last scene, and how Andie hugs him as she leaving. She understood what House was doing even if you don't.
The OP just obviously doesn't get the whole "House is an ass but not actually heartless" thing. I don't get how someone can misjudge the whole personality of a character so much but there you go.
I definitely always thought that the reason he wanted to watch her reaction was that he thought the clot was in a specific part of her brain and if she reacted in an unexpected way, that would help him to diagnose her.
Lol, get off your high horse. "People" here know what they're talking about, unlike you, who clearly didn't get the episode nor scene AT ALL.
I always wonder about Trolls like you who get all worked up from someone's difference of opinion, to go as far as thinking only "they get it" but anyone who disagrees with their perspective is wrong. Wow, that is really says a lot about how SELFISH, immature and arrogant you are. Do you always get so worked up about something as trivial as a TV show character or someone who disagrees with you?.. Are you related to Dr. House?
Do you have a life other than watching TV shows?..Lol
There is a moral deficit in our country that has been progressing for a very long time and its getting worse. It's kind of a social pathology where we as a society can watch TV shows and even find humor in a characters like Dr.House and somehow find all their scrupulous behavior to be "Normal" and ok with it. This is where you and depart in perspective; this is where I think you are missing the point?...but our society is going deeper and deeper to have less empathy and compassion in general and when it filters through something as a TV show, that yes House is a brilliant doctor and that somehow gives people like him a pass to do as they wish? Do you really think that someone like Dr. House would be allowed to do all the sht he does on this show?..Lol
In my opinion, House asking Andie what she really wants is one of the best scenes in the entire series. He knows from his own experience how it is when others do decisions for him regarding his health. For example, as Cuddy and Stacy plotted behind his back to do the surgery on his leg against his will. So it was really nice from him to find out what Andie thinks about the situation she is in. He treated her with respect and was honest with her.
House to Wilson about Cuddy: She is not some floozy in a bar. She is the floozy I work for.
So it was really nice from him to find out what Andie thinks about the situation she is in. He treated her with respect and was honest with her.
I agree about your comment about "as Cuddy and Stacy plotted behind his back to do the surgery on his leg against his will". I am sorry but I think you are comparing an adult 40 something year old man who is a doctor with a 9 year old little girl who has cancer. The choice that House was giving Andie was kind of really asking her why do you want to continue living like this, as if she didn't know what it is like to live with Cancer. House did that more of himself and his curiosity of kind of testing her. If you can not see the cruelty in that scene when she says I want to get better and he keeps repeating to her you have Cancer. If you really think that House did that out of care and respect, then you are missing the point what House is about. I think so much of this show is about how detached and cruel House is to the point he has been punched in the face and kicked in the groin for it.
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It comes down to opinions, and while you are entitled to your opinion, it's very obvious that it's you who is "missing the point about the character of House. Yes, he can be detached and analytical, yes he can be an obnoxious jerk, yes, there are times that he pushes people to the point of violence. But… There are times, like the scene with Andie, where we, the audience, see the humane side of Gregory House. You can argue until you are blue in the face, but you'll never change my mind about that scene; we saw that House can care, and care deeply about his patients. He came to understand that she was as brave and mature as Wilson insisted that she was, and treated her with respect; by telling her the truth about her situation, and offering her a choice. And I know that I, for one, am NOT missing the point about House.
And as we came to learn through eight seasons, it's not about what House says, but what he ultimately does. And those who have seen the final episode will understand that.
You can argue until you are blue in the face, but you'll never change my mind about that scene
Dude, I was NOT trying to change your mind or any body's mind about that scene. You can defend House all you want about that scene. I don't care you think, but it does tell me a lot about WHO you are morally. If you can't see the cruelty and detachment of a this AH like House then that's that only says a lot about YOU. Norman Mailer, who a was a great writer of his generation once said, the problem in our country today is that people are becoming more and more detached and numb to simple human ethics and that is almost getting integrated in movies and TV shows. Here we where have a tv show of a smart doctor to gives choices to a cancer patient of nine years old girl is some how morally fine with people like YOU?.. and you want so desperately to convince me, this is the part you are missing the point, not about HOUSE but your own warped and detached your perception that behavior is fine by you. Its sad and scary at the same time. If you can't even understand that its wrong to talk to a 9 year old girl who has Cancer, regardless of how brave she is, then there is nothing to even argue. I don't care how the show ends and how House has a rude f awakening in the 8th season, I am focusing on that scene with Andie only because it really disgust me.
Why don't you go and do some volunteer work at a Hospital where they have a Children's cancer ward and watch how doctors deal with the kids, because I have done that. Even better go and show that scene to any doctor and ask their opinion and see what they think?..
I wonder do you think all those millions of people who died in the Iraq war all under a lie of WMD and 911 was that Ok by you too?. Did you ever take the time to study history and wonder how a country like Germany, that was among the most cultural educated society in the world in 1933, managed to support and bring someone like Hitler to power, where he managed in just a very short time that to associate the Jews to communism and blame the domestic problems in their economy on them to the point people supported that idea. These ideas to change moral perception didn't just change and happen by itself overnight.
So you are right I wont argue with someone like YOU until I am blue because to me you are part of a pathology that is taken over the psyche of this country; where the difference between right and wrong is just getting to be almost invisible.You really come off as a "Fanboy" a person who does not think while watching. This kind of examples in a tv show like House to defend a detached doctor for his merits and curiosity, but if you have ever known people who study to become doctors the principal aspect is not just about cure but also about compassion too; this is something that is now being more and more criticized, but shows like this that supports this prodigy Doctor House who is morally inept but great at his job a pass; and FANBOYS like you are contributing to that moral decay by defending it. When you watch anything one has to be also aware what they are pitching you not just seat back accept it, because someday you may face someone like House in real life.
This is the part you are missing, not about a scene, I hope you really wake up to that one day because social media is already destroying our entire world where people think they are getting more connected but they are actually more detached. Here I am trying to explain what is morally and ethically wrong and you are trying to convince it's not, that says a lot about the times we are living in.
I am done with this conversation and You really need to GET A LIFE.
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How DARE you presume to judge me by a scene in a TV show that I like. You know NOTHING about me. I worked in the medical profession for 20 years with cancer and AIDS patients. I've lost loved ones to cancer…I've HAD cancer. I was IN the military. And yes, I've worked with MDs who thought they were gods…and a few who were touched by god (through the lives they saved and the pain they eased.)
Would I want someone like House as my primary? No, of course not. But I have a friend who suffered for years with ailments that no one could pin down. And I wished to god she had found a doctor like House who could have figured out what her problem was; she was eventually diagnosed, through years of trial and error, but she suffered greatly in the meantime.
BTW…I have a LIFE, a job I enjoy, an active social life, volunteer work, all of which happens even though I suffer from chronic, and at times, debilitating pain. Sounds familiar? But no, I don't take prescription pain meds.
You don't know me at all; and the fact that you would presume to judge me so harshly, BY A SINGLE SCENE IN AN EIGHT SEASON TV SHOW, tell me something about you.
Please ignore the OP. He's an idiot or has some problem, going on with his ridiculous ramblings and then telling other people to get a life... not worth wasting time on him.
This scene with Andi reminds me of the scene in Control from Season 1 with his patient... the female CEO who needed a heart transplant. He was willing to risk his license and career for her, but first he wanted to hear her say that she wanted to live. That might've sounded a bit cruel, but not only did he need to hear it and be reassured, he wanted her to admit that she was willing to fight for her life as well.
And you could also go all the way back to the pilot with Rebecca who wanted to give up and "die with dignity." The patient and the viewers (but not any of the other characters) were treated to the first impassioned speech by House to get his patient to want to live and fight for it.
I just watched a House marathon this past weekend. One episodes was another time House went before the transplant committee to save his patient. When his request was denied (mainly because they didn't like him), Cameron wrote a letter on his behalf. She wanted to know why House was doing everything possible to save this man and he replied that he was advocating for his patient. He didn't think the letter would do any good but signed it anyway. Cameron asked why again and again his response was because he was advocating for his patient.
So in the case of Andi, i feel like he needed to hear from her why she wanted to continue with treatment and go through with this procedure. It was highly invasive and dangerous. It was not going to be a cure. It was just going to give her a few extra months. He may have wanted to know why she was willing to go through it, but he also wanted to be completely honest with her and be sure she understood what was going to be happening to her body.
Most kids that age would not be able to fully understand what was going to happen and the likely consequences, but House recognized how much more mature she was from dealing with her cancer.
And the ironic thing is everyone else was marvelling at how brave she was, yet none of them actually sat with her like House did and had an adult/mature conversation with her about it.
Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans. No she doesnt.
Most kids that age would not be able to fully understand what was going to happen and the likely consequences, but House recognized how much more mature she was from dealing with her cancer.
Exactly, I don't think any kid that age would be able to understand. The point of my post was that it was wrong to any kid who is 9 years old with Cancer to talk to about their choices without a parent and adult present. I don't know why is it so hard for you people to comprehend that?...why you people keep justifying what House to be with reasons and defending him?. I urge you to go and ask a real doctor who deals with children who have cancer and even show them just that scene and see what they say, because I did with two real doctors and they both thought it was way out of line and just unprofessional. Because regardless "how much more mature she was from dealing with her cancer", Andie is still a CHILD. Can any of you understand that concept?.. This is a CHILD not an ADULT to be placed with those questions in her condition.
I think I regret even posting this thread?..its like I have to repeat the difference between right and wrong to hardcore FANBOY club of detached Doctor House.
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You know little of what you speak, and yet you call the other posters names and continue to prattle on about the age of the young cancer patient. We get it. You don't like it. But how dare you presume to say a child of nine — mature far beyond her years due to her terminal and painful illness — has no right to hear the truth about her future and have some input into it? You keep harping that she says she wants to get better. Where? She is merely stating she wants to survive as long as possible at great misery to herself for the sake of her mother. She's dying. She damn well is aware that she's dying and nothing is going to make her "better". She is faced with a dilemma few adults would handle with grace and aplomb. House, however much of a bastard he is otherwise, is the only one who is honest with the child, so he can give her the options she DESERVES. She has the same right as any other human being to have some choices. In this episode, House's true humanity shines. And yet you compare him to Mengele. Nice.
Don't bother responding because your posts just devolve into personal japes and and some really bizarre segues. The other posters on this thread have been reasonable and pleasant. Not you. You won't be swayed from your opinion, EVER, much like — shall we say — a fanboy?
Don't bother responding because your posts just devolve into personal japes and and some really bizarre segues.
Wow, I can really tell that your post does not "devolve into personal japes" when you say "Shut up"? ...Lol
Just because I don't agree with other people ethical or moral codes does NOT allow you to insult me. You and the rest of you keep defending House as if he is some relative of yours, you all miss the point that what House did without a parent or adult present was wrong. Does it take brains to know that this little girl wanted to live even it was for a WEEK? Does House needs to go and ask her" so he can give her the options she DESERVES"? She deserves compassion and love; which House has failed to comprehend because the show has proven he is incapable of it. If you recall the scene where House mentioned he wanted to ask the little girl about her choices; Wilson said "Got to Hell" and walked away from him, If you don't get that scene then I am sorry you miss the point again?. Maybe I missed the scene when Andie says to House: "I want to get better", and for House to continue to repeat that you have Cancer and you are going to die, while she is crying her eyes out. Wow, maybe that's why I have a problem with it, pardon me to feel that is cruel; that's I made a JOKE about the comparison of Dr. Mengele, but you think you and others again took it to another level.
Last time I checked Doctors were suppose to save lives and here is a little 9 year old girl who has to convince a DOCTOR, who is almost mentally ill himself, that wants to live no matter how long it is. If you and others miss the lack of humanity in that then I Feel SORRY for you people, because this country is already becoming moraly inept and its social pathology that even TV shows are endorsing and this is the point I was trying to make, look at WTF this show is pitching you and you are defending this behavior?. I have spoken to almost 10 doctors and even shown them this scene they think HOUSE is a disgusting person and in real life he would be FIRED, so are they all WRONG?
I think most of you people who come here to attack ME and what I feel "House's true humanity shines" then why don't you continue believing that?. why are you so bothered of what I think to come here and tell me to SHUT UP?. Is it because you got some personal issues with your own moral and ethics that it hits home? . You got some serious to go this far and defend a TV character? I stopped posting on this thread weeks ago because I realized House has a huge FANBOY club, People like YOU who do not think while watching. People keep defending House for almost everything he does that lacks humanity; because he is a great doctor somehow it gives him pass. Oh, House is heartless but he is not a bastard?. If someone points what he does and calls it wrong; then people like you come out of your little rat holes to attack others and defend him?.. just because I don't share your point of view, you think that gives you the right to hammer your opinion when it comes to ethics; which is a huge deficit in our country these days. I call it kind of social pathology that renders itself social apathy and what even more sad that people like you miss the entire point; because maybe that's how you conduct yourself to others in real life and somehow people like House support your own belief system.
I run into TROLLS like you a lot on these message boards, when you can't have an adult discussion about a subject, you need to either ridicule or insult another person's opinion just because it does not match yours. How pathetic is that? You really need to focus on expressing your own opinions about a movie or TV show, than spending time to ridicule or insulting others who don't share your views. This is a public message board and I can reply to whom ever I want, just like you did and stuck your nose because what I wrote bothered you. So it's you who needs to GET A LIFE AND GROW UP!..
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Don't bother responding because your posts just devolve into personal japes and and some really bizarre segues.
Wow, I can really tell that your post does not "devolve into personal japes" when you say "Shut up"? ...Lol
Just because I don't agree with other people ethical or moral codes does NOT allow you to insult me. You and the rest of you keep defending House as if he is some relative of yours, you all miss the point that what House did without a parent or adult present was wrong. Does it take brains to know that this little girl wanted to live even it was for a WEEK? Does House needs to go and ask her" so he can give her the options she DESERVES"? She deserves compassion and love; which House has failed to comprehend because the show has proven he is incapable of it. If you recall the scene where Wilson walked away from House when he mentioned he wanted to ask the little girl about her choices. If you don't get that scene then you must be RETARDED?. I think most of you people who come here to attack ME and what I feel "House's true humanity shines" then its YOU who really need to check yourself.
You got some serious to go this far and defend a TV character? I stopped posting on this thread weeks ago because I realized House has a huge FANBOY club, People like YOU who do not think while watching. People keep defending House for almost everything he does that lacks humanity because he is a great doctor somehow it gives him pass, and if someone points that out and calls it wrong; then people like you come out of your little rat holes to attack and defend him, just because I don't share your point of view, you think that gives you the right to hammer your opinion when it comes to ethics; which is a huge deficit in our country these days. I call it kind of social pathology that renders itself social apathy and what even more sad that people like you miss the entire point.
I run into TROLLS like you a lot on these message boards, when you can't have an adult discussion about a subject, you need to either ridicule or insult another person's opinion just because it does not match yours. How pathetic is that? You really need to focus on expressing your own opinions about a movie or TV show, than spending time to ridicule or insulting others who don't share your views. This is a public message board and I can reply to whom ever I want, just like you did and stuck your nose because what I wrote bothered you. So it's you who needs to GET A LIFE AND GROW UP!
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What House did was one of the most moving sequences of dialogue in the whole show. INTJs are not known for their sympathy or compassion, but what House did was very sympathetic. I was personally moved by that scene.
Difference of opinion is one thing, but bringing in Mengele is just downright ridiculous and it caused the OP to lose all credibility. I am quick to chew House a new one and call him a bully, but the scene with Andy was beautiful and respectful. Yes she was only 9, but the suffering of terminal patients and choosing to live in pain or finally say enough is enough comes up frequently in the series.
First keep in mind the difference between the fictional character of House, who did many, many, many "wrong" things, & a real professional doctor. I know you know there's a difference. Yet, in a post you bring up talking to some professionals about House's manners. Of course you would not have a real doctor discussing something like that with an underage patient. But that was House.
As for the way he talked to her: anyone who saw this episode & had never watched House before probably would react like you did. However, if you have been watching all along you would know this was not about House trying to be cruel to her. He was trying to speak to her as she wanted him to. Have you ever had someone in your life who has had a terminal illness for a long time? I have. Whether you are as young as Andie, a parent, or a grandparent you become resigned to your illness. You know deep in your heart how life will be. All you want, are for the people around you, not to treat you as an illness, but as a person. And what you want is not to spend what little time you have left hooked up. But again remember of course in real life a doctor would not have done that. It was House, seeing her want to be a person, not to live as the illness anymore.
All right i loved the House character but i understand he was flawed and many times he did disturbe me including this episode of Autopsy.
Yes once in a while House did show his human side to his patients but it was a rare thing to do not the normal stuff, that's why his team got excited when he did so but the weird thing it was never with kids, it's obvious he wasn't a kids guy remember it took him some time to bond with Rachel (Cuddy's daughter).
He kept his cynicism the whole episode, softened just a little at the end of his talk with Andy but we've seen much better like how he cared for Foreman in Euphoria, the way he treated the photographer even if he called the baby fetus he talked to her much more nicely and all because she knew how to react in the case she had and last with Kate in Frozen.
I adore House he melts me when he shows his softer side and fiind his dark humor incredibly funny but, his scene with Andy wasnt one of his best moments. I've seen much better, even with the Down kid he had a much more inspiring moment helping him with one of the procedures and still he hasn't come yet to his Kate like moment with a kid patient. Maybe this will finally come in the last season, its my last hope but i doubt so.