I enjoyed it, but....

The story and filming was done really well, but what I couldnt understand was the character of Burt. I mean who wants to see a 80-year old man still having sex?


Dont be an a-hole...Just remember you'll be 80 years old one day & hopefully still f%#@ing...lol


I'll second that remark! "Use it or lose it"



I do. It gives me hope.

And I would say: "Oh, grow up!" or, "Get over yerself!" but it's not needed. In time, you will.


I agree with all the posters here; so what if he's old and still putting about? But I do have one reservation though...I couldn't help thinking how his "girlfriend" back in NZ would feel if she knew about his little liason with the rattlesnake lady.


Do you mean the girlfriend who when asked if she thought he could do it told him she didn't think it mattered. Burt can feel free to screw around on a shrew like that.


Yeah that is a comment that could be taken multiple ways.

That she doesn't share his passion & blows it off in indifference.


that she cares about him, thinks his pursueing is great & enough
& will think just as highly of him regardless. That he & his spirit
are more important than the ultimate accomplishment. &/or that her opinion as that of others is not important. What he thinks is all that matters.

I believe that the second is the case but her comment did come across
a bit in a sting to your feelings way & easy to think the first is true on the surface but really would just be a misunderstanding of what she meant & why she said what she did.

There certainly are a million ways to be taken wrong & misunderstood in this life. People thinking the opposite of what you were intending. :o)


I too believe the second take is the case. She wasn't an indifferent shrew.

She already offered to pay for him to be able to take his trip and fulfill his dream, after all. A trip that, let's be frank, might have meant she'd never see him again, due to his sketchy health and his obliviousness to the value of safety gear at Bonneville.

She was just saying, essentially, she liked him no matter how his adventure turned out; she just wanted him to get to go on his adventure, not necessarily set any records. She would like him just as much when (if) he returned, successful or not.

People like Munro are lucky to be cared for in such a manner, rather than it being based on "success" or achievement.


That rattlesnake lady gets me every time. When she says that line"So Burt...Where you going to sleep tonight" ha ha
It's so transparent what shes saying and thinking. hilarious.

They never showed Burt and his "girlfriend" back in NZ saying anything about a exclusive relationship and she herself said "Dirty old men need love too"
He didn't know if he'd be alive from moment to moment. But I think she seemed sweet and I'd personally probably would have had that talk with her and passed on the rattlesnake lady. Unless that was the only way to get my rig fixed of course. ha ha I'm talking about the trailer
