Tremendous film..

I'm not going to go into the historical veracity of "The Worlds Fastest Indian". Read the history books if you want to know about Burt Munro. If you want to see an uplifting, nostalgic, and highly touching piece of cinema for the whole family, then this is your film. It's everything Crocodile Dundee evoked in audiences in the 80s and much more. Don't be disuaded thinking it is a revhead movie. I watch hundreds of films a year and only saw this yesterday. It's one of those films that flys under your radar and that's a shame because it's probably among the best 50 film I have ever seen. I liken this movie to say "The Shawshank Redemption" for it's sleeper power. I am sure many people in years to come will identify this as their favourite film. If mindless explosions and T n' A (ie: Transformers)are your thing you should avoid this because you will find it boring.

PS Hopkins should have won Best Actor Oscar for this.


I agree totally - my whole family loved it - it has soul integrity and true strength .

