From the Movie - Nevada did have no speed limit over thirty years ago
I just watched the movie on DVD for the first time and found it very enjoyable. The only fault I find in the movie is that the officials at Bonneville Salt Flats would never let him clock his bike on the flats with so many problems with his INDIAN bike. Race organizations have strict rules. ----- But it's only a movie, isn't it, so just enjoy it. ----- But one really true thing mentioned in the movie that's true from over about thirty years ago Nevada really did have no speed limits on rural highways. (Within reason of course, if it were raining or snowing, of course, you had to slow down) --------- (the scene when Anthony Hopkins is pulled over by the Nevada Highway Patrol and told to slow down was a great laugh) ----- It was fun to get in your car sometimes and crank up to 100 miles an hour or a little more, once in awhile just north of Las Vegas on the highway heading to Reno. ----- Anyway, no matter what faults the movie may have for some of us, Anthony Hopkins was so enjoyable to watch in this movie. ----- ----- Rusty
"On screen Winona stands out like a polar bear on black velvet" Timothy Leary about his Goddaughter