I f'n hated this film

With an IMBD rating of 8 I was expecting quality, but really this is a sentimental b movie with with excellent actors under what has to be some of the worst scripting and direction I've seen in a long time. 20 years in the making?!?! Even my lady-friend, who's not picky as I am, was hiding under a cushion by the end of 10 minutes.

It's not like there isn't a good story but the execution is just awful. At least the central character didn't have to do all that cringey smiling and laughing and falling-in-love-with-burt like the other poor sods; and it's not like they were bad actors.

Surprisingly it wouldn't have done me any good at all to visit Rotten-tomatoes, the worlds slowest website, for a more reliable rating: the critics, blast them, gave it an 80% rating?!?!? Perhaps I've had a sentiment bypass, because sentimental nonsense was all there was to be found in this terrible movie. The only indication of something dodgy going on is the film's low takings.

My own preference is talky films for human relations and I can't be bothered with action movies but in this film all that oppotunity was converted in to one awful moment after another, and some very awkward acting due to some dire direction, and it was only one action scene at the beginning that was any good. The race against the young scamps was actually quite excellent; I could have done with more of that but when it came to the the same scallywags giving Burt some money to help him on his way I ended up cringing at what should have been a good moment if handled by a competent script and decent direction. Yet the final action scenes of his race for 200mph had no sense of speed or excitement.

What a waste of a £1 rental.


That's too bad. I loved this film. great fun, especially when Burt stands smiling as the local call him an old coot and such.


I too watched this film because of the 8.0 rating, expect I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Donaldson used excellent camera shots, especially the shots illustrating the high motorcycle speeds. It was so linear and terrific and reminded me of the shots of Happy Gilmore's long ball, which isn't as good a film, but comparable in this cinematography).

Characters were bizarre, charming, and palpable. **I like how the first 4 people he meets in LA are the disgruntled cab driver, con-artist flower girl, hooker, and then cross-dresser.**

The plot and storytelling was also superb, in my opinion. I never felt like a scene lasted too long in this epic adventure. The film takes the reader to so many different places while meeting all sorts of characters (sailors, customs, clerk, car salesman, junkyard lady, war-vet, etc....)

I wish you could have enjoyed it as much as I did.

Did you come in with expectations that weren't fulfilled???


Gee Greg, We're sorry this movie didn't meet you expectations? Maybe the Crying Game or the Birdcage might fit your movie tastes!


I think the story of Munro was turned into a road movie to give it more substance otherwise it would simply have been about the speed run at Bonneville, hence the odd characters he meets.
I enjoyed this film because I was fascinated with idea that a forty seven year old bike with an old man riding it could leave all the moneyed whizz kids with their flashy machines standing.


Having just returned from Bonneville, I can tell you those are still the characters you meet out there. Speed week this year was amazing. We went in honor of my dad, who went every year before his death. I recommend experiencing it once in your life. The movie made it more popular but it is still surprisingly unspoiled and beautiful.


Methinks Greg has no soul. Sorry you wasted a whole quid.


I really must stop reading these messages, when you get to read the crap by people like greg3, just another idiot who likes mediocre garbage that Hollywood likes to produce for Middle America.No idea about film or life for that matter.
Enough said.


Greg3 you have got be an aussie ars*****


Why does he have to be an aussie ars*****?


"Greg3 you have got be an aussie ars*****"

Actually Greg3 would be a British ars*****

Clue #1: "poor sods"

Clue #2: "dodgy"

Clue #3: "£1 rental"

And the biggest clue that Greg3 is British (most likely English), drum roll:

Only a citizen of a country that continually underperforms with regard to its national obsession, soccer, uhm football, and more specfically at the The World Cup, would hate a such a great story about an underdog living out (and achieving) their dream

When your overpaid and overrated professional "players" constantly crap the bed when playing the "only sport that matters" for the national team, and when the whole planet is watching, ie the World Cup, and when said players/team barely beat the minions of world football, before getting knocked out by the first good team they face, it is bound to create more than a few cynical jaded motherf#ckers, or would that be ars******

Public Disclaimer: The above comments should not be construed as a verbal attack on ALL citizens of England, many of whom are terrific people, said comments were merely expressed to reflect on the sad state of affairs in Old Blighty, namely that a "disproportionate" number of its citizens have become cynical arrogant ars******


"a "disproportionate" number of its citizens have become cynical arrogant ars******"

Something that goes twice for Americans, which your assholian post so eloquently exemplifies...


"a "disproportionate" number of its citizens have become cynical arrogant ars******"

Something that goes twice for Americans, which your assholian post so eloquently exemplifies...

Whats the matter, struck a sensitive chord did it? Americans "might" be ars**** in your opinion, but at least they are not cynical mother fu#kers to the degree that some Brits are.



I'm British, and I absolutely loved this film. I put it right up there with the likes of Shawshank Redemption and Kajaki. Were not all that bad! I'm also a biker so maybe that's why i enjoyed it so much.

Why is there always so much bitching between US and UK!

Chill !!


You're Wonky to say the least. This is a dude's dude movie of epic proportions. A Man forging his own pistons and living in the back garage. Have you no soul my man?


I can't help but think that if you regard this movie as awful, then you are simply not a movie watcher. It sounds like the opinion of someone who only watches 1 or 2 films a year. Because honestly my friend I would like to hear your opinion on some of the crud that comes down the pipe of mainstream studios, like Transformers or Jennifer's Body or anything featuring Megan Fox.
