Horrible Cast Changes

Originally it was suppose to be Stellan Skarsgard and maybe Bello (Don't remember the actress), then it was William Hurt, then Liotta and finally a horrible and mediocre choice of Jason Patric. THis movie could've been great.

the green men are coming, i swear i know


Those other actors are great, but I absolutely LOVE Jason Patric!! I'm especially excited because he is starring in the this film.

Stellan S and William H are both slightly older actors... I'm surprised that all of these men were considered for the same role. I wonder why all the casting changes.... Maybe they chose Jason P because he's younger and fits the mold a little better.


Horrible and mediocre? Are you crazy? Jason Patric is extremely underrated as an actor. Did you even watch this film? He was fantastic in this.

I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together.


In all respects to those actors mentioned... Patric is light years ahead of them. Fantastic choice.


I disagree. JP is a wonderful, real actor. I thought the acting was superb.

- Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine
