stupid plot

making a movie about falling in love with someone you're paying to kill you? How retarded

Marilyn Manson's new album "High End Of Low" is released May 26th!


That's a plot spoiler. You might indicate it in the subject line out of consideration for people who have yet to see the film, so that you don't give it away to people who don't want to know everything about the plot.

God save Donald Duck, vaudeville and variety


You're calling something retarded when you listen to Marilyn Manson?





I know, how dare they make a movie based on real events without changing the plot to make movie-goers more pleased? The real world is ugly, so we shouldn't have to see it.

Or maybe this disturbs people and makes them think. There are many people out there using pain to feel things, because they can't otherwise. There are unhappy stories in the world. This opens eyes to it and it's not pretty, so the movie is negatively reviewed.


It's obvious you didn't see it. She never discussed money or anything. I thought the movie was excellent and riveting. In fact, it's been over a week and i'm still thinking about it.


Bello says to Patric when he questions her what's in the bag, "You'll get your money." Or something close to that. This happens when they first enter his house.

I agree with you though. This was a solid movie. Not flawless but the plot was not lacking in any way.


Yes how terrible making a film based on real events that doesn't sugar coat the harsh reality we live working/around but often choose to ignore. And how dare they portray someone interacting with someone on the deepest possible emotional level and developing feelings about that person. Complete rubbish!

This is, of course, a sarcastic response to the OP. This film was moving and sad, yet it somehow (for me, at least) told of something sorrowfully beautiful on a very dark and painful level. Not an easy task to accomplish. Well done.


This film was inspired by the consensual homicide of Sharon Lopatka.
