Wow..this film has GUTS !

I watched this film yesterday and I still can't stop thinking about it. It was so raw and painful to watch Nancy. She was a woman whose life could not be fixed by prescription drugs or even therapy once a week. She needed so much more help than anyone could give, even her husband. I think this film vilifies him a bit too much and that would be my only problem. She was sick way before she met him but he confirmed her beliefs and ignored her pain and she got worse because of it. I think these kind of films, which are so crushingly authentic, are not made enough, especially in this country. I have to say these actors and everyone involved in this film was really courageous. Maria Bello's performance was incredible. It must have been extremely draining to play the role of Nancy.

I would also like to say that I can understand why people would not be able to watch this film but I think as human beings we have to realize that existence is not what we see on "reality t.v." at night but true reality is sometimes a person's life crumbling away before them without a life raft to hold on to.

"The secret waits for eyes unclouded by longing."



Bump as much as possible. I'm really glad to see your post because it's just a nice thing to know that I'm not the only one who couldn't get this movie out of my head.

I remember looking on these boards and i saw a post where someone said something like "this movie has a low rating simply because it's just not a good movie. it's not that the acting is bad or anything, it's just not good..." and it was just a harsh statement to me. I have no idea whatsoever how anyone could think that... maybe it's because I've suffered some mental distress that no one else understood and I sense people like the husband's character of people who are so incredibly detached. Yes as a matter of fact some people do stay in marriages even if they're unhappy and don't identify with the person. Yes as a matter of fact some people are determined to cease their existence because they are 100% persuaded by it because it's their psychological disposition and essentially their intuition - so who could possibly intervene?

maybe i'm just like the original poster & i approached the film with different expectations and a different mentality. all i know is that i personally got engaged by the character of Nancy - it made the movie effective by engaging the audience. Nancy resonates with you after the film is over - especially the voiceover at the end... The movie DOES HAVE GUTS because it doesn't CARE what you think! The director/writers don't care if the audience realizes this movie happens to be a total effing downer. Yes of course it's a movie that practically embraces negativity - but so what? Look at the people you associate with - someone is probably unhappy and messed up. And then look at the people who don't care and disconnect themselves.

I will never forget this movie and I wish there was some way to tell Maria Bello herself that she was a brave person for doing this movie because I feel like she didn't get the credit she deserved. It's a shame that it takes guts these days to make films like downloading nancy, because I happen to love it a lot.


Shuttlebug, you'll be pleased to hear, if you didn't already know, that Maria Bello has been nominated for Best Female Lead in the Independent Spirit Awards, for this film.



Responding to a 4-year old post, but whatevs.

I thought your comment about vilifying the husband too much was interesting. To me, within the context of the movie, he was a pretty bad jerk in how avoidant and dismissive he was of her. It's like he knew she was messed up but hoped by looking the other way, disconnecting with and avoiding her, he wouldn't have to deal with it. And that just made her feel worse.

But I know your point. It crossed my mind: "this movie must have been written by someone who was depressed and felt someone was blowing her off." Sometimes when people are depressed, their perception of reality is skewed. (Though, yes, certainly, there are many douches who would rather look the other way and not even try to reach out.) Skewed or not, though...The movie just ultimately seemed to me, to be like some spiteful letter from a depressed person to someone who had blown them off in their hour(s) of need. As an "f u" of sorts to them, having it end with them being punished and NOW feeling the depressed person's pain, among other things. Just a 1h 40 minute middle finger and knife twist to someone who must have ignored the filmmaker when s/he was depressed, with the wishful thinking ending of the person now also being depressed after realizing what their neglect did. Or maybe the filmmaker was the one who had ignored someone depressed, and they killed themselves, and this film was penance.

Dunno - BUT - all that supports your point that about how heavy the hand was against the husband.


sure does
