if too many F bombs gets you an automatic R (spoilers)
spoilers spoilers
look im the last person in the world who thinks movies should have age based ratings or any other classification that tries to tell people what they can see or not see. i think it is just dumb.
nor am i opposed to sex, violence, profanity, drug use, when it is part of the plot. if your movie is called the texas chainsaw massacre, i can expect to see a chainsaw hacking into somebody right? fair enough. if i dont want to watch it i wont. i go see die hard, i can expect a few people to die hard. even when hannibal lector cut the top off the guys head, there was a method to the madness (although it was still, imho, torture)
but i for one am SICK AND TIRED of GRAPHIC POINTLESS TORTURE scenes in virtually EVERY R RATED THRILLER these days!
so if saying the F word too many times gets you an automatic R (which is the dumbest thing i have ever heard of), then if the MPAA is to maintain any credibility (which of course they cannot) any graphic torture scenes should give a movie an automatic T for TORTURE. sure the box says "disturbing violent content". this is a whitewash of the truth (can anyone say 'friendly fire') and not very specific. what some find 'disturbing' may not qualify for others. ive seen that same description on other movies that had no torture.
this movie is a perfect example. i was expecting an al pachino thriller, and not 5 minutes in there are roped up women getting sliced and diced. great. just great. so what am i to do, turn it off? keep watching and hope this is the last of it? to hell with this movie i have had enough. i returned it and got my money back from the rental place.
what is torture? certainly this could be debated. but i think at the point where someone is drugged, strung upsidedown by a rope, and cut with a knife in a way that will clearly not immediately cause death, the line has been crossed. that is torture. its beyond 'disturbing violent content'.
so in short, im not trying to ban anything. i just want to know if i am going to have to watch torture in the movie before i start watching it. let each person make their own choice. in particular let those of us who are sick of torture not have to watch it. there are plenty of outright torture flicks out these days without leaking it into other movies without warning.
"in this world there's two kinds of people ... those with loaded guns, and those who dig."