Jack Gramm is...

... extremelly cool. Has a way with the ladies and a supreme intelect. I thought Al Pacino gave a fine performance in this film, even though the film it self wasn't great. I enjoyed the film, but the ending wasn't very well put together. 7/10 as far as i am concerned.
Any thoughts?


7 out of 10 is a good rating to me. I'd give it about the same. I don't expect all movies to be fabulous. Makes you appreciate them for what they are.

"We're "us". You're "them". We don't help "thems". Sorry! --Paige


Liked Pacino's character. The plot, on the other hand, was completely out of whack. Plot holes, stupid/impossible plot points, HORRIFIC dialog ("Milk? Milk anyone?"), and a bad ending. 4/10, and that's being generous.

Formerly Love_Machine


I have to disagree with you.

It's true, his character was written as "extremelly cool," but the performance didn't back it up. In fact, there's not many redeeming qualities about the character which would justify all the ladies allowing him to fondle their faces and kiss their cheeks mulitiple times everytime he sees them.

Pacino didn't play the character with much likability. He just seemed kind of zoned out. I kept thinking to myself, why are all these beautiful, intelligent women allowing this gruff little man to fondle them? It didn't make much sense to me.
