MovieChat Forums > 88 Minutes (2008) Discussion > Wasn't worth the $1.00 I paid at Redbox

Wasn't worth the $1.00 I paid at Redbox

Jesus H...where do I begin with this? This movie COULD have been pretty decent, and had a good cast. So where did it go wrong? Blame the screenwriter for writing lines that don't even sound normal, the director for making it anyway, and anyone else involved should be tried for high treason.


1. The torture/rape scene at the beginning of the movie just seemed like something that was made up to "shock" the audience by being different. Not only are the killer's methods ridiculous, but the director chooses to emphasize the near naked body of one of the victims too much. Remember, this is a RAPE...not Girls Gone Wild.

2. It became pretty obvious after about 15 minutes or so that whoever looks suspicious (like using a cell phone, or complaining about the upper-crust students) is NOT part of the threat to Pacino. Bad movies have been made like this in the past...why aren't people smart enough to see through that by now?

3. It was far too obvious that the victim who escaped (Lauren) was behind it. Why would she tell a 60+ year old man to "go get the guy"? Likely Pacino would have wound up dead.

4. WTF was Pacino thinking by agreeing to be in this? Did the director blackmail him or something?

5. No one talks normally in this movie. The car blows up, and Kim says "Now what?", when a normal reaction would have been "HOLY GOD THAT CAR JUST BLEW UP, ARE YOU OKAY??"

6. The "Laughing Killer At The End Of The Movie" has been done far too many times. They teach that in Movie Cliches 101.

7. Firetrucks don't drive like that around people, forcing them to jump out of the way or be run over. Maybe that happens in Red China, but not in Seattle.

8. If William Forsythe is supposed to represent the best and brightest of the FBI, then all I can say is that I'm not surprised that 9/11 was primarily the fault of the FBI.

9. The absolute WORST part: I forgot to get this movie back to Redbox on time and paid DOUBLE ($2.00) for it...worst money I ever spent.

"Just do it. Sue sue sue. Do it. Go go go go." - How Tom Cruise deals with bad press.


your time would have been better spent jumping off the brooklyn bridge. you wouldnt have to think about this movie every again and we wouldnt have had to read through your RAMBLING, non-sensical tirade


Hey look guys, I just found one of the dozen people who like this movie!

Third_Island isn't here right now, but if you'd like to make an appointment...


Shame, poor guy. Hope you didn't go to bed hungry after having spent all your money on this film. You're in my prayers. Hang in there buddy. Everything will be ok.
