Just watched this...

...and you know what I really enjoyed it, I thought it was intriguing and exciting. Pacino was on decent form, which is STILL Better than most actors on Top form... i actually think he was better in this than he was in Righteous Kill... as for people complaining about the plot... IT's A FILM People!! make-believe!

You know what is a real worthless *beep* excuse for film... Taken with Liam Neeson... Now That is a real laughable excuse for a movie and yet it is inexplicably mystifingly popular... there even making a sequel for *beep*'s sake!!

88Minutes is Good and a million times better than taken.




It's a good movie, gave it 5 stars on Netflix.


While some people here make it out to be the "worst movie in history", it's not that bad. However, it's not good either, nor does it really work. Some moments are almost comical and the film never manages to build up any real tension. The acting is all over the place and Pacino looks tired.

But I was mildly entertained for a couple of hours. And I've seen much worse.


WHAT?! Pacino was ridiculous in this. The film was ridiculous, but 90 percent of the dialogue is just Pacino acting bewildered by everything and commencing to shout about it, in what is clearly poorly improvised vagaries as if he's trying to do a hilarious Nick Cage parody.

"Hey! What's that?!"

"What IS that?"

"Who is THAT?!"

"What the...?"


Who is this dialogue for?

"Guy LeFarge?" Literally this guys name can be parsed as: Generic LeBadGuyName, and it's hysterical every time it's uttered...which is alot. Someone should make a breakdown of all the Guy LeFarge clips back-to-back...or all the hilariously pointless Pacino 'flavor' lines.

"What the...? Who? Who are you? What do you want? What? What?! What? Who is this? Who is that? Who was that? What? Who is this?...<whispers> What the...? WHAT?! Whaaa?" Probably would easily make a 30 minute clip if you attached all the uniquely 'rhetorical' bits, addressed to no character, and simply acting as audio filler for any scene, from end to end.
