How bad is the child neglect/abuse?
I'm asking because I was severely neglected and abused as a child (as well as escaping into imagination to cope). I really would like to see this, because I love creative, mindbender films, but I'm worried that it may be too close to home for me and might set off my PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
[Warning for descriptions of child abuse ahead.]
My parents weren't the same kind of junkies; my mother didn't do drugs at all, but my father was an explosively violent alcoholic who huffed various chemicals and who knows what else. I often had nothing to eat, lived in filth, was refused medical attention (even with severe blood loss and so on), had to take care of my younger siblings even though I was a child too, was constantly bruised and ravaged by insects, beaten near daily with planks of wood, surrounded by crazed hicks, forbidden from most forms of entertainment (but I snuck what I could; I loved movies so much!), not allowed to go to school (until I was 12 and I guess the city forced them/someone turned them in for it), etc.
There was also religious/psychological abuse; for instance, being exorcised of "demons" for having an asthma attack, since I was supposedly healed of that, so I was apparently either faking or possessed.
There was some sexual abuse too...
[End of descriptions of child abuse.]
So, yeah. Do you think it's too similar? Does it focus on reality much?
Sorry to bring people down by talking about my childhood. If it makes you feel any better, I disowned them and skipped the country. I'm still pretty messed up though. :/
I'm fine with most gore (bruising's a bit much sometimes though). I love horror movies. I'm just not so good with especially cruel things; especially if they are directed toward people who can barely defend themselves (children, animals, abused women, etc). I'm fine with sexuality; just not the abusive kind (BDSM doesn't count; I mean non-consensual stuff - child molestation and so on).
I've watched some pretty extreme stuff and not been that bothered by it. For instance: A Serbian Film (one thing near the end did bother me), Takashi Miike films, Guinea Pig films, Aftermath, Antichrist, etc. So I'm not exactly a fragile flower; I just have my limits.
Thanks in advance for any insight.