
Boring for both adults and even my kids were twitching and fidgeting which they hardly ever do even thru plotless dross like Alvin and the chipmunks and long story based stuff like The waterhorse.
Don't know what the book's like but this felt very patchy but soooo long!
and left my kids asking LOTS of questions the movie just never bothered to answer like -

what happened to the erupting volcano?

How did the dad fall in the water but manage to build a catamaran!?

Why was the lady so annoying?

not good family film! wish we saw Ironman!


Agreed, saw this yesterday and it was pretty forgettable and quite cringeworthy in places

The best character was the lizard.

Yeah I coulda seen Ironman too, I'm sure the children would have enjoyed it more.


Yeah! the animals were decent but thay like the movie just meandered about not doing much aND THE TRAILER MADE IT LOOK LIKE A RIGHT RIP-ROARING ADVENTURE WITH PIRATES AND STUFF! sorry hit CAPS key!

Anyway by the time we were finished with tickets and popcorn it cost me £30 to be bored for 2 hours which felt like much longer!

wet film!


for rip-roaring adventure with pirates, i suggest u check peter pan OR pirates of the caribbean. the last thing i want to see is another pirates spoof, im glad this movie is much more than that.


yeah exactly! how on earth did gerard butler learn how to teleport?

how could he get lost when he knows teleportation?

why does nim's dad needs introduction to alex rover since he goes to her house so often in that weird costume?

who taught the pelican to pick up the tools?

this movie totally makes no sense at all.... ironman's definitely much better....


Ironman was Very good but a bit scary full on war mental for my kid i think so i took him to SpeedRacer thinking he'd love it and he got bored after half an hour then fell asleep!


WTF are you babbling about? What makes no sense is your observations. I certainly hope you are attempting to be funny. You failed, but I hope that was the attempt.

And my kids loved the movie. I guess they have imagination.


I took a 6 year old and an 11 year old. They loved it. I went for Gerry. But, I thought it was a good KIDS movie. I thought it was Abigail's movie and I think she did a great job. I enjoyed seeing Jodie Foster do something comedic instead of playing a victim like she usually does. If you go to see it knowing this movie is directed at 8 - 12 year olds you should enjoy it. If not, then go see Ironman.


My 9 year old daughter loved it, but my 5 year old did nothing but fidget all the way through! Grrr...


I took my three kids (6, 9, and 11) and none enjoyed it.

They expected more action as I did.

Lucky for me I only paid about $20.00 us dlls for tickets and refresments.

Here in Mexico movie theaters on Wednesdays are very cheap.
