I like disturbing movies...but not like this.
Seriously, all of the August Underground flicks are so utterly twisted. I know some people might enjoy watching them...but I'm certainly not a fan. I think there's a fine line between something being disturbing and just downright gross. As far as grossness goes, I give August Underground an A +
Usually, I'm not the kind of person to say things like that. But for August Underground, I have to make an exception. I've watched a lot of twisted movies before. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom; along with The Angel's Melancholia...for example. But the graphic nature of August Underground really pushes it to the limit.
Put it this way...if the main objective of the director was to simply make a sick and twisted film that would shock people, and would be difficult to watch...I think he accomplished that. So I give the director credit for that. I don't think I can ever give any of the August Underground flicks another viewing. I'm not really writing a negative review. I'm just saying...it's some twisted stuff.