Sick beyond imagining...

If you watched and enjoyed this you are truly ****** in the head.

How do you take pleasure in watching people vomiting in the victims mouths, making them rape each tother and then cutting one of their bellies open to see guts come out while she's still alive THEN to be raped while she's dead.

Also when the man cuts off his penis....

I am ashamed of watching this, people said it was "violent" like Saw.... saw i could handle but this... no .... this isn't violence, this is unimaginably sick, should be banned everywhere.



Hehe great thread.

I am ashamed of watching this, people said it was "violent" like Saw.... saw i could handle but this... no .... this isn't violence, this is unimaginably sick, should be banned everywhere.

Well you said it, take your own advice and stick to mainstream Hollywood popcorn crap and you won't get offended.

"Death solves all problems, no man no problem" - Stalin


Hollywood OWNS Underground, *beep*


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers OWNS YO.



There is a large region between pornographic violence and "mainstream Hollywood popcorn crap." But since you quote Stalin, the most depraved murderer in history, in your sig line we can safely conclude that you are a debased sociopath.


We take pleasure in it because . . . well, it's hard to explain what's so entertaining about it, we just get a kick out of it.

Banned everywhere? Now you're an idiot. It is not widely available, you have to have heard of it to track it down. Even then you would have had to hear about it as sick and violent, then you'd have to go to a site to get it, and on that site, would be a description of it, calling it sick, twisted and perverse. It's your own fault you watched it, don't think just because you hated it nobody else should be allowed to watch it.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!




if you cant handle this your a wuss stop bitching and harden the fack up!



I have seen this film and several other extreme horror films, i can assure you sir, i am a completly sane person who coulnt even dream of doing anything like this to another person. Also, i did not take pleasur in watching this film, you may ask why bother watching it then? because it is so profoundly disgusting and horrible, ones curiosity alone could bring them to watch it. But for those extreme film junkies out there, who crave depravity, this is the holy grail of those films...

you may not enjoy them, but please do not jump to conlusions about those who do, just because one watches these films does not make them any less of a person than you. also, i do not agree with joffisgod because to say one is a wuss for not wanted to watch the feeding of vomit, or the slow severing of a penis, and certainly has no need to 'harden up', you are not harder than him, or a more serious film viewer because you watch things they dont...

-Wyatt T.


Hmmm I actually enjoyed this film in a sick way ... I was just shocked there is such a film.



Because a lot of people aren't happy unless they're complaining about something. Or hassling someone else for their taste in flicks.

"Death solves all problems, no man no problem" - Stalin


I just watched this for the first time. For a second i thought Rob Zombie was directing it do to the number of F-bomb dropped within the first 1 minute of the film. I must say that i was impressed most with the FX. i cant say i was "horrified" or even "shocked" at any of the scenes except for the tub scene (which was a mix of effects and the fact that the victim was underage i guess). In fact to me i just felt like it was done completely for the shock value which took me out of the whole experience. the whole "look at us, look what we are doing" meant nothing to me without an explanation why. it didn't once seem real because of that.

not knocking any fan of this type of genre by any means,( i know all types of people enjoy all types of films) but the whole thing reminded me of the spooky kids in school that hungered for attention by the way they dressed and acted, while to some they may have been "disturbed" which is what they craved, i simply did not fall for it then or now.

As stated above, i do give props for the FX's, i just wish it had more substance as an actual film. I didn't hate the characters because they were sick, twisted individuals, i hated them because they were annoying. I also felt that the writers only goal was too show us how gross and over the top he could be instead of how/why the characters decided to live this lifestyle which also led to them being annoying. Ill give the first and third one a try too. i just hope this team can learn more about writing since we can clearly see they have the effects side down pretty well.( i do realize that the footage is supposed to be random footage.)

(and for those who may state that these movies are not about the writing and only about the shock, then to me, it's not a movie at all, but an extended uncut Cannibal Corpse music video...without the music.)

Brian, there's a message in my AlphaBits. It says "OOOOOO".
Peter, those are Cheerios.


"the whole "look at us, look what we are doing" meant nothing to me without an explanation why. it didn't once seem real because of that."

What about the fact that there's not always a why? Not all serial killers grew up in dysfunctional households, some just become sick. That's when it's the scariest - when there's no motivation to the killing other than sexual relief. They get off on their acts, that's why they do it. Not because their mother hit them when they were younger, or their father touched them, they are just sick bastards, and that is why they kill.

Not everything in a film has to be explained. Even if there is a why, how could they portray it with their style of filming? It leaves the viewer to think (not too much, not near as much as the first and third in the series do, but there is some thinking to be done).

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!


Not all serial killers grew up in dysfunctional households, some just become sick. That's when it's the scariest - when there's no motivation to the killing other than sexual relief.

Well, first off, two of them were brother and sister and they were having sex, so to say that nothing happened to them during their childhood is like saying Michael Jackson wasn't born black. not to mention the fact that one of them had sex with entrails... that's childhood trauma at its best, no doubt about it.

I wasn't necessarily looking for everything to be explained to me or handed to me without personal thought. I would have just liked to know where the people came from they had locked up, why they may have chose them and what they planned on doing with the bodies after the fact. (unless this is explained in the third story). I'm not looking for a hand out, just a little story logic, not character logic.

Brian, there's a message in my AlphaBits. It says "OOOOOO".
Peter, those are Cheerios.


Yeah, there was probably something that happened in their childhood, but with a shot on video look, you can't have flashbacks, and characters wouldn't say "hey, remember that time dad molested us? Haha, yeah, I guess that's why we have sex with eachother!" No, they would keep it bottled inside and release it as the anger you see in the film. If a child is severely abused to that point, they're not going to talk about it, especially exposing weakness to people like that.

Where did the people come from? Well, in both Mordum and Penance you see a home invasion, you see what happens all throughout one of the victims in August Underground. What do they do with the bodies? In Penance you see body parts in garbage bags. How exactly do they transport them? Not sure, but if it's anything other than throwing them out, it'd probably be risky business, and they wouldn't be able to spare only having one person doing it while one holds the camera, they'd need help, and the camera would be pointless in that situation.

You have to think about these things. You want to see what happened, but you have to think "would the characters film that?" If the answer is no, then you weren't meant to know exactly what happens. Use some imagination.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!


This is somewhat of an FX showcase for sure DeathoNacrackeR, as ToeTag was an FX company looking to break out into the horror industry and give the fans something morally bankrupt and anti-mainstream. They are now a full blown horror production company.

The story itself is somewhat inspired by out-of-control-teen videos from the 90's in which teenagers would videotape themselves vandalizing property, being cruel to animals etc, which is where a lot of the sophomoric influences comes from. That and nods to Man Bites Dog and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

it's not a movie at all, but an extended uncut Cannibal Corpse music video...without the music.

If only Cannibal Corpse were involved! If they had known about it I'm sure they would have appeared and done some live stuff.

"Death solves all problems, no man no problem" - Stalin


Well, I just watched it, and I really just couldn't enjoy it. I think that saying this is funny is sick.
I don't know if there would be a point about it if I had seen the first one, but I certainly hope so. Under all circumstances, I won't.
I'm not bashing anyone for liking this movie, because I think that the point about this trying to show violence as a sick thing instead of all the Hollywood movies making it look funny makes sense in some way, even though I couldn't exactly see the movie trying to tell me that; if I could I might even would have seen this as a good movie. Not enjoyable, but good.
But if you're watching this for a laugh, something is really wrong. That's like people jerking off watching Irreversible.
And I am well aware of the fact that I didn't like this because I want the blood to be red, and not brown or black. I don't want to see the actual pain of the victims, I just want them to die quickly and I want gallons of pure red blood following their deaths. I don't want to be nauseated, and very few films give this effect. But these films usually have a clear point to them. Sometimes I doubted if this was supposed to be horror, gore, slash or what? Homemade porn stolen from police evidence lockers? Pure wannabe snuff? I don't know. But it certainly just seemed like a pointless attempt at making the most twisted movie out there, and as far as I know, they succeeded. And with child necrophilia, they simply went too far.


I wouldn't say these are "enjoyment" pieces no.

Sometimes I doubted if this was supposed to be horror, gore, slash or what? Homemade porn stolen from police evidence lockers? Pure wannabe snuff? I don't know

All of the above.

But it certainly just seemed like a pointless attempt at making the most twisted movie out there, and as far as I know, they succeeded

Pointless? You just contradicted yourself. The point was to make one sick f#cking movie, and you're right they succeeded.

"Death solves all problems, no man no problem" - Stalin


Making one sick f ucking movie without a statement seems pretty pointless to me.



Well, for Mordum, I guess that's sort of true. Although it irritates me when people (even fans) say the August Underground series on a whole has no point. That's just plain ignorance (don't flame me for this, I said ignorance, not stupidity).

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!



This is true. I was just making sure that people who read your message wouldn't be able to make the assumption that you were saying the entire AU series was plotless, because that would make several people potentially miss the point of the series entirely.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!



And the OP posted ...

Hmmm I actually enjoyed this film in a sick way ... I was just shocked there is such a film.

"Death solves all problems, no man no problem" - Stalin


Posts like this always amuse me. I received a similar lecture from my husband last week. He tried to watch this and gave up after twenty minutes or so, then decided to give me a hard time for being a fan. I warned him beforehand that it would be too much for him and he should just leave it to the gorehounds like me, so oh well. It's just not for everyone. I'm not *beep* in the head for liking it; you and he aren't wimps for disliking it. Let's just agree to disagree.


Do what you want, please just don't breed.



Ha! Good idea lombax. I love the Maynard quote btw.


i just lol'ed throughout the whole movie. I mean like they could've made it so much more deranged by actually holding the camera steady and keeping it pointing at the mutliated corpses and raping of entrails. Like so much of the film was just boring because u just sit there listening to people screaming and talking.

They fcked up the fine balance between realism adding to the skock value and realism degrading the structure of the movie. Its like ... oh... we are going to try to make a really sick and deranged movie, and yet there are 10 minute scenes of blurred blood and fat white people's naked bodies. imho the grit and realistic nature of this film just makes it a fkin 1 hr 20 min vid of goth white people as they become sexually aroused by opening up other people's bodies and playing with bodily fluids (vomit/cum/guts/blood etc).

They should make redsin tower and actually show clear and high quality close ups of the shocking violence and mutilation with a *beep* steady camera. This would actually make s*it gross instead just funny. + they need to actually ask what are they trying to accomplish with this film cuz i personally could give a da&amn watching a bunch of fat white goth kids roll in the snow...
the whole image of the film needs to be darker and more sinister not a pos comedy with people laughing the whole time. Its like they are on fkin crystal while they vomit all over people. is this a comedy or a fkin horror film? I got a hold of this movie to be shocked, and instead i just chuckled throughout...epic fail imo.


Wow, amazing how so many people call them "goths". Well, I think this poster can be summed up by their post in a Visitor Q thread:

"I am still looking for a new age cult director to take that away salo's title as most deranged film because it has now diminished to humerous since the quality is so out of date."

So old movies suck because they're old? The effects of Salo are out of date, they don't look 100% realistic, so the movie can't be taken seriously? You need flawless effects and perfect closeups rather than gritty realism? Go look at Ogrish or something if you want that.

The characters of Mordum are not professional photographers, they don't care much if everything's in frame, the camera's just there. Please, don't try to say a movie sucks because you wanted it to be something completely different. You can say you were disappointed, but trying to say it would be better if they abandoned the look that has made them famous among the underground, that's just stupid.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!


no. you are right, but I never said it sucked, i said that it wasn't shocking in any way and thats just my perspective. I also never said salo shouldnt be taken seriously it is still a profound film (just not worthy of "most deranged", which many say it is).

Point is with a thread title "sick beyond imagining", I am responding by saying the video is quite laughable rather than sick... and maybe thats whats what cruise/killjoy are going for but i doubt that.


Okay, so it was just poor wording on your part (saying it's humourous and it's quality is out of date). Okay, as long as you can appreciate Salo, I'm fine with you saying it's less intense now than it was years ago. As for your opinion here, well, you didn't say it as fact, you said it as opinion, so it's okay. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!



I mean like they could've made it so much more deranged by actually holding the camera steady and keeping it pointing at the mutliated corpses and raping of entrails

Just thought I would add that the camera doesn't actually move during the gutf#ck scene, do you mean if the camera showed a closeup shot of an actual cock going in and out of someone's entrails?

Why not, it's always good to know there is potential for more sickness. But as far as currently available sick fictional material goes I reckon this is the grand daddy of them all.



agree w/ your post sid... lol @ the fat white people nekkedness. i wasn't disturbed by this movie whatsoever, and i'm not even a horror fan (only seen a dozen or so). personally, i'd like to see something more brutal like the manhunt video game series turned into a graphic movie :D

i commend their efforts and the chutzpah it takes to tackle a genre like this, though.


This film was quite sick and that was the best part of it. But it was wayyyy boring, the "acting" wasn't real enough and somehow all the "action" seemed to be quite forced. Still worth watching for the experience though!


I'd say for non-actors (FX artists and horror fans) they did a bloody sterling acting job of portraying amoral and vicious serial killers.




Not human at all? You have to realize that nobody was injured in the making of this film, we don't condone real torture, we just enjoy seeing how realistic fake torture can be. We're not (okay, most of us aren't, some people do) jerking off to this or anything, we watch it because it's disgusting, violent, in the cases of the first and third films, disturbing and powerful. If it's not your cup of tea, that's totally fine, but don't go saying we're not human.

Saying we're not human for this is like saying you're sick for liking Halo, because you shoot other people, kill myriads of so-called "enemies". Maybe those enemies had families you destroyed? Maybe by splattering some other Master Chief's brains against his helmet, you put his family on welfare, forced his wife to send her kids to an orphanage (or space-orphanage, if that's your thing). The differences are in Mordum, it's more graphic, and in Halo, it's you commiting the murders. Who's sick now?

In case you couldn't tell, I was being slightly sarcastic. But not really, as I realize now I make a damn good point. I love myself.

You can't argue with my logic! Well, you can, but I won't listen!



I agree, i never seen the film myself but my bro stumbled on it on a website an curisosity got the better of him. Wat i saw of it is just disgusting. Y sum1 wud wanna watch horrific rape scenes is beyond me. The only rape scenes i can handle is 'The Hills Have Eyes' and other mild rape scenes in movies but this 1 takes the piss. Whoever wrote this trash must be sick in the *beep* head.


Ok,I know your probably NOT going to read this as Im guessing you are long gone from here, but what kind of a hypocritical idiotic statement was that

and other mild rape scenes

Where violent sex is forced upon someone just a teeny weeny bit... or just enough so that you dont feel bad inside for watching it and you can keep your morals....Do you think real rape is mild??
Whats sick in the head is the ability to trivialise a life shattering traumatic event so that people dont get offended....jesus no wonder so many people walk free from jail these days, theyve watched and heard so much crap that they dont take things seriously any more....

My point is, dont whinge about something being realistic...Im sure you'd rather it be fluffy and nice, and non-horrific, but sadly that is just not how life (and death) is or can least this kind of brutal honesty is taking the shine off hollywoods golden image of a moderately attractive serial killer with witty clever little lines....its showing the sh*t for what it is...Awful, and horrific...If you say you want to see killing,but then get up on your high horse when its too real and shocks you,then you SERIOUSLY need to give things a think.


Haha what's sick in the head is accusing people who make fictional movies of being sick in the head. What individuals like our friend above don't seem to be able to grasp is film-makers of sick, disturbing or controversial cinema don't actually go around killing and raping people in real life, or are even disturbed for that matter.

As for rape specifically, there is more brutal\graphic stuff out there than Mordum, but few are as perverse (two flicks that spring to mind that come close would be Eat the Schoolgirl and Tumbling Doll of Flesh). Both Irreversible and Baise Moi are heavier in the brutal rape department.



That's not wat i ment u *beep* I ment in terms ot it being graphic or not. I Spit On Your Grave (Day Of The Woman) has graphic rape scenes in it whilst the rape scene in American History X (Although disturbing) Isn't as graphic. So U THINK!!! Stop jumping into conclusions. There is a rape scene that's hardly seen, all can see is bits and pieces and the audio. Hardly graphic.

Don't critize MY opinion on horror films. I wanna watch mainstream, i *beep* will ok? Go *beep* urself. U shud give things a THINK 2, u moron!!!


Oi,dont be so rude,
I was stating that ANY kind of rape is horrific,regardless of how graphic it is. Theres nothing wrong with watching mainstream horror, but dont complain about something you havent seen. Its like complaining that you can watch someone get stabbed in Halloween, but you dont wish to see it done graphicly.Its sugar coating violence and making people desenstised and take it less seriously,and violence IS a serious thing. Im not jumping to conclusions, just stating that what you said was hypocritical....violence is violence regardless of how graphic it is, it all boils down to the same thing, you cant call someone sick because they dont want to watch something thats been made to look less "pretty" just because you like to be reminded its not real...If you dont want to have your taste criticised,dont criticise that of others. You love Saw....its a hollywood film, but has reflected on sick real life events, just because the blood doesnt look as real doesnt make it any less horrific to think about.
This film disgusted me,and had me enthralled at the same seems so real and its not,and it doesnt give us pretty,witty killers,it shows the sick *beep* for what they are,instead of glorifying them. That,in my opinion,is aplaudable

Oh,and I LOVE *beep* myself,its fantastic
..Like you dont do it.
