You'll recall the x-ray machine was 'new to them' but second hand? The doctor put himself in for a test, and every single one came back with that tumor thing, so he sent a fax to the hotel.
At the New Year's Eve celebration, Kragen reveals that Georgia was just an employee selling flatware in one of his stores. He adds that the only reason everybody put up with everything she did and said was because they thought she was somebody. Georgia explains to everybody that she never meant to mislead anybody, just wanted to come out and enjoy herself and blow all her money before she died, and the reason she didn't tell them was because it's a party killer.
Georgia goes to her room, Ms. Burns tells Kragen she's going to see Georgia, then quit, and go back to school so when his wife leaves him and takes half of everything he owns, she'll help her figure out how much that is. Then they hear Kragen is about to jump from the ledge of a window, Georgia goes out and talks to him and tells him to basically stop always trying to make himself look good and think about the other people behind him. Then Sean shows up and tells Georgia that he wants to be with her whether it's for five minutes or fifty years, then Gunther comes up and tells Georgia she was misdiagnosed by a 'faulty Dog scan' and she's going to live.
A while later, Georgia has open her own bistro restaurant with Sean helping her and where everybody comes. Then at the end is Georgia's book of realities. Gunther became a private eye, Ms. Burns got a spa massaging degree, Adamien was hit by a truck talking on his cellphone, Dr. Gupta became a...well I'm not exactly sure, but whatever he was, when Kragen's wife left and took half his money and the government took the rest, he joined Gupta...and Georgia and Sean got married, but in an untraditional way, BASE jumping.