I would like to meet Adrian Paul, Stan Kirsch, Al Pacino, Queen Latifah, Tyler Perry, Ray Bradbury, Jim Davis, Wes Craven, George Romero, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall and Larry the Cable Guy.
And to coincide with that first idea, if I got to meet Stan Kirsch, I would want to arm wrestle with him and I would steal a kiss from him, if he were single I'd ask him to marry me, if he were taken I'd warn the broad 'don't you do anything to hurt that boy or else I'll come back from the dead and haunt you the rest of your days'. If I got to meet Adrian Paul and he were getting married at the time, I'd be there with a big bag of rice and screaming 'the little bambino's getting married!', come to think of it I'd want to do the same if Al Pacino ever marries.
Something else I would like to do would be to check into a real fancy shmancy hotel and take in with me a party blowout, some noisemakers, a boom box, a big bag of confetti and liven things up, and then at night I'd gather all the chefs around in the kitchen and show them how you make some real potent drinks, heh heh. And I'd also take a pair of roller skates with me and skate about the lobby and see if anyone could catch me.
I'd also buy a motorcycle and go cruising all over town on it and go cross town and maybe 'cross the state too.
And I'd get a bull horn and go all up and down the streets bellowing out every song I could think of just to see what people would do.
And I'd like to go to a major sporting event like the World Series, or Superbowl, or a wrestling match, and just drop into the middle of it all and see what would happen.