Chef Didier + Georgia

I found Shawn's charcater really abrasive. Shawn seems angry all the time, from shrugging off the kid on the plane to the concierge. Also, most of the scenes he had with her seemed awkward and forced.

I actually wanted her to get together with chef Didier because he seemed to share her free spirit and love of cooking. Any thoughts?


I thought the same thing. I even felt there is good weird chemistry between Queen Latifah and Gerard Depardieu!

Also that would have given us an interesting ending instead of the current boring one.

I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger!


It's Gerard Depardieu....please....I'd love to see him in my kitchen, let me tell you..yep, I think theres some good chemistry between him and Queen Latifah. When there is, he turns out the most amazing love scenes...check out him with Isabel Adjani or in Cyrano de Bergerac...woof..


You're right, Chef Didier clearly liked her more!


Exactly. Depardieu is much hotter than LL Cool J too.


The only thing would be the age difference.....


I did, too. Their interactions were very cute.


I liked them together, too, but just seeing the first 5 minutes of the film tells you she is going to end up with Sean.


you have to put into considerations for some of the anger. Like when the manager had to be the way he was when sean was carrying goergia to doctor after hitting her head. ((which is the way i felt towards that manager too. didn't care about his employees at all jsut to save some money.. and georgia was helping his store with the way she did those demonstrations for them.. hell that food looked good i would love it if some department stores did that here LOL))) And he doesn't like heights and some people when not liking heights, they may tend to be edgy like sean was for the kid. as for the awkwards moments, its cause they liked each other, without the other actually knowing, and shy to tell each other. Sean cearly had feelings for her, cause he was worried about her health, and when he found out, he wanted to be with her. Goes looking for her, and then thanks to the kid, found out she had liked him too.. SO then goes ALL the way to another place, faced his fear of heights and what not to be with her. I thought that was awesome. Not all guys would do that. Only the special ones. Now Her and the chef yes they ahd great chemistry.. but more like friends, nothing else. And it shows too at the end when you see him there supporting her dream coming true. But yes, it would have been interseting if something was to happen between the two but I just didn't see it really.. Their relationship was more of a kinship since they love life, and food of course since they both loved to cook.
