When will it happen?

When will a movie stop having same-race love interests? Whenever the main character in a movie has a love interest, they are always purposefully made to be the same race. In this movie, why couldn't she fall in love with a co-worker who was white? And why must whenever there is an interracial marriage be made the point of the entire film (Guess Who)?

Can anyone else think of movies where there is interracial love without it being a joke? The only one I can think of is Love Actually. Why can't there be more movies like this?


We do need more movies with interracial dating that would be cool. The only other movie I can think of that has interracial dating in it is "Something New" with Sanaa Lathan and Matthew McConugley (spell check on last name), "Guess Who" with Ashton Kutcher, Bernie Mac, and Thandie Newton, "Rodgers & Hammerstein Cinderella" with Brandy, (the guy that played the prince was Asian which was nice to see).

That's all that I can think of for now.


2 other movies I just thought about are:

Save The Last Dance and Honey


Um...you're on the wrong board. You should be on the plethora of white-white romantic comedies, thrillers, mysteries, historical films, etc that far outnumber the black-black romantic comedies. You probably are in an interracial relationship, but you can't really be serious with this outrage when freakin WILL SMITH had to have Eva Mendes as his love interest in "Hitch" out of Big Wig Hollywood fears it would be labeled a "black" movie if Will had a black woman as his love interest. And howdidoo, even Queen Latifah spoke out about the issue. We can't even get a blockbuster movie with two black lead love interests who are stars on the same level (e.g. Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman in "Australia" or Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio in "Revolutionary Road"--or any other upcoming super mainstream film)--Halle Berry is stuck with white men, and Denzel mostly either doesn't have a love interest, or she's non-black. We need to fix the stigma about black-black love in the media before claiming there is a prejudice against non-interracial relationships (heck, Weezy and George were dysfunctional, where Tom and Helen were emotionally stable and loving!).



Hear hear!


Damn, that's a good point. I agree. I think the emergence of the two would be good for diversity. However, as we know, media affects society and it would be good for black people to be able to see a healthy Black-Black relationship as an example by major stars.

Right now ... the Obamas are the most positive representation of healthy black relationships.



The all black romantic interests are too busy starring in awesome movies like Madea Goes To Jail to bother with blockbusters.


"awesome movies like Madea Goes to Jail" Now there's an oxymoron.


I can't believe this is the only movie I can think of...but in Harold and Kumar, Harold, a Korean American, falls for a Mexican American girl. There is no mention of how her race would make any difference to him liking her.

If ever requested, I would totally make an interacial romantic comedy with LL Cool J (Indian and Black...perhaps an updated Mississippi Masala...) Excuse me, while I drool.


In 2006, there was a fun movie with Sanaa Lathan and Simon Baker titled "Something New". I liked it and so did many others, it seems. It has a 6.6 rating on IMDB with 7900 votes. Very well turned out movie about the angst and psychological confusion that this particular inter-racial couples goes through when they start getting interested in one another. I found the treatment of the subject matter to be very nicely done.
