
One thing that annoyed me about the movie was how much turbulence there was. I understand that it WAS set on a plane, but I've been on many flights and there wasn't nearly as much turbulence as there was in that movie. It seemed that the turbulence always happened to keep the movie going forward, which to me seems a bit weak. Also, this plane was supposed to be large (or at least I think it was), so wouldn't that translate to less turbulence as opposed to smaller ones?

I'm just saying.


Haha you're right, it does seem that way. But what's kind of funny as well is that there was more turbulence in this movie than there was in the 1997 movie "Turbulence".


I was also really surprised by the way turbulence was depicted, producing an unrealistic sound. I have been on flights with quite a lot of turbulence but the aircraft didn't make noise, it simply vibrated.


Strange I didn't even notice the turbulence. I did notice it in Red Eye though.


I thought the turbulence was like a 'red herring' making the viewer think the plane might crash or the movement had something to do with terrorists...

‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).
