ANY parents here ??
I haven't read every last post here but so far I haven't seen this mentioned:
What parent, after finding their child apparently drugged, drugged by murderous thugs no less, wouldn't have had their child IMMEDIATELY in an ambulance (if not shopper with EMS team aboard) and rushed to the nearest hospital to be evaluated?
Its a lot to presume that the sc*mbags would have insured a correct dose of meds were given to insure the child wouldn't be harmed. As it was, she could have choked on her own vomit etc., so they clearly didn't care that much for the childs safety. <-- I know she was supposed to die anyway but Foster and co. didn't have the time at this point to have thought through the plot etc.
Anyway, I can't believe anyone associated with the filming didn't point this out because I'm sure % 99 9/10ths parents would have ran with the child directly to the nearest ambulance.