A) They planned on blowing the little girl up, along with the plane. (To get rid of all the evidence.) The reason they took her was they wanted Jodie Foster's character to go nuts and LOOK nuts to the other passengers. Ultimately, they were going to use Jodie Foster as a scapegoat while they got away with all the money.
B) He wanted the money. To get the money, he plotted to have Jodie Foster's husband killed in what would look like a suicide in order for them to have a coffin she would then fly back home to America. (This was with the knowledge that the protocol is not to do X-ray scans on coffins out of respect for the dead.) He then used the coffin to carry explosives onboard the plane. When Jodie Foster's character fell asleep, they kidnapped her daughter and erased all evidence of her presence and existence on the plane. (This was where the flight attendant removed her from the flight roster.) The point of this was to make Jodie appear unhinged and crazy...and at the end of her rope...Just the kind of person who might go insane and blow up a plane. (She also had special and unique knowledge of that type of plane, which is why they targeted her, specifically. It made it more convincing that she might be able to effectively hijack it.)
C) The captain was not involved. He was simply used to communicate the "hijackers'" demands so they could get the money wired to them and an escape vehicle.) It was just the "creepy-eyed" flight attendant and Peter Sarsgaard...and perhaps some other unnamed and unseen co-conspirators somewhere else. (Sorry, it's been a while since I've seen this movie in its entirety, so I don't remember all the details.)