MovieChat Forums > Dare mo shiranai (2004) Discussion > Can someone clear an issue with the kids...

Can someone clear an issue with the kids up for me...

Who is whom and what are their around ages? for example...

WHo was the oldest boy? I think he is 12
Oldest girl?
Younger boy?
Younger girl?
What was the friend's name?

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


not sure why you're asking this but here's your answer...

akira, 12
kyoko, someone said somewhere that she's 10, though the movie doesn't seem to say
shigeru, apparently 7, movie doesn't say though
yuki, 5
saki, older than akira, not sure by how much


I was asking because I had a hard time keeping up with who they were talking to. I didn't know who was who.

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


actually, apparently Hanae Kan (Saki) is younger than Yuya Yagira (Akira) by more than half a year. kinda surprising. i just assumed she was older because she appears to be a bit taller. i guess she just looked older to me.

also, i'm not totally sure that akira is 12. i thought it was stated in the movie somewhere but i'm not sure where.


At around 0'37 in the film, Akira tells the taxi driver that he's now 12 years old.

Then again, he could be exaggerating his age, just to impress the man.

About Saki: till they reach puberty (and even after), young boys are often smaller in height than the girls of their age.

When we were 11, my 'girlfriend' was really taller than me. We tried to kiss once, and I had to climb on a chair.
Four years later, I had to bow to kiss her cheeks.


He is indeed 12. Later in the film, when he is running out of money, and he tries to get a job at the grocery store where he buys food regularly, Akira tells the cashier lady he is 12, upon which she replies that he must be at least 16 years old to be permitted to work.


Obviously you did not pay attention to the movie...


In real life (1988), they didn't release the names but the years they were born

Oldest Boy, 14 (1973)
Oldest Girl, 7 (1981)
Youngest Boy, died after birth, hidden in closet with deodorizer (1984)
Girl, 3 (1985)
Youngest Girl (1986) Didn't fall off a chair, but was beaten to death but one of the Oldest Boy's friends because she ate his ramen noodles, she was 2 yrs old. Her body was dumped by Oldest Boy and another friend in a forest.

2 Boys and 3 Girls, they were left alone for 9 months and the oldest boy was given 50,000 Yen (350 US)

Mom heard the story on the news and turned herself in, got 3 years in jail and got custody of the 2 girls.

The real story was way worse than the movie, and the movie was hard to watch.


Wow! Really? How sad!
