Wow... Spielberg can do thrillers
Didn't expect Spielberg to be so good at making a spy thriller.
A lot more adult and visceral then I expected. Yet, strong and nuanced in the drama and philosophical themes... I think he should do more in the genre, or other types of thriller... more movies that are entertaining and aimed at an adult audience
This is the closest we've seen Spielberg trying to deal with adult themes, with relationships between men and women that involve sexuality (the scenes with this wive) and [spoiler]sex as persuasion (the spy) and such [/spoiler]... Basically exploring the carnal, even if it's for the briefest of moments...
He's so good at the movie-making aspects and know how to tell as story visually, unlike most other directors today... I wish he starts exploring the more sensual aspects of human relationships and such in his film... It would be great to see him tackle more of these types of movies targeted to an adult audience, with actual adult human beings portrayed on screen, their moral choices, their emotions and such...