Poor Pretty Eddie

This is probably completely coincidental...but, I noticed a lot of similarity's between "Calvaire" and the early 70's film "Poor Pretty Eddie"...

I know that Du Welz drew a lot of inspiration from early genre films for "Calvaire"...so maybe I'm not to far off.


That's exactly what I thought too.

I think the whole movie is just one big mish-mash of an hommage.


Me too.
I just watched Calvaire and that's the first thing I thought of was Poor Pretty Eddie.


Count me in on the Poor Pretty Eddie train too. That bar where the dancing took place was just like the bar in PPE, just a filthy room with tables and too much lighting. Then there was a dog (or in Calvaire's case "dog") rape subplot in each movie and people being forced to sing.


meh...certain similarities i suppose... I honestly dont see a 'connection' tho...
Both were good so ... Maybe thats the connection???
