the speech

does anyone have a copy of the speech from the movie if so post it please


"When I first arrived at Harvard 4years ago, I arrived like any other freshmen, with my parents. Unlike everyone else though, my father left but my mother didn't. A mothers presence--albeit nurturing can cause all sorts of problems for those seeking more than academic enrichment. My mother has been with me every hour of every day & has attended all of my classes from freshman expos to senior thesis. As much as we'd all like to take credit for our own accomplishments, none of us would be here if it weren't for the efforts & caring of those who helped us along the way, I would not be here if it weren't for my mother & so it goes, whether it was a parent or sibling, teacher or friend--or just someone who was able to say the right thing at the right time. None of us have escaped the care & love of others, *my mother & I have learned so much from all of you & what we hope you can learn from us is to take no one in your life for granted. time is so brief & so precious. Tomorrow I will graduate from Harvard--with my mother & all of you beautiful people. Miracles happen, they happened to me & theyre happening to you. You just need to look to the people in your lives to see them* congratulations, everyone & god bless"

*-Brooke really said in her speech, rest was written to prolong movie
