My college was mentioned!

I live on Long Island like the Ellisons and my school was mentioned. I go to St. Joseph's College.


You are a shallow person, all you care about is yourself. And by the way that school might as well be a community college.


Well, St. Joseph's College-NY is not a community college. It is a private four-year run by the Sisters of St. Joseph. I am not a shallow person. You do not know me, if you did know me, you would say I am a very caring individual.


well that was slightly rude. she's not shallow and self-centered just because she said she went to college at St. Joseph's. geez...


Actually, I am almost done with my second year at St. Joseph's Thank you for saying what you said!


who cares?


They are not shallow all they did was mention their school was mentioned.I'm sure they cared about what happen to the girl.

Bound for Destination Anywhere
Regrets Becoming An IMDB Member



That was a tad ignorant.


Wow, we are all very proud of you for going to a college (no one has heard of)that was mentioned in a movie. I bet if you watch more movies, you may even hear Long Island mentioned. That will be so exciting for you.


brooke is my health teacher`s sister,i met brooke like 5 times before. i live on Long Island


calm down, people!
i live about 10 minutes away from St.Josephs and if i didn't choose to go away to school I would probably be going there.


It all comes down to some two bit school that no one has ever heard of. So just graduate and be bound for obscurity.


Sweet reply.


i've seen movies w/ HONEYWELL stickers in the doors of stores, it's security systems they put in there for them by the way, and i go "Hey my dad worked for Honeywell! kewl!".... like in MILK MONEY, they filmed in Cincy-- my dad saw a little convenience store in the movie and recognized it saying he'd put in their security system...

I think it's fun to be recognized in some small way - name of a company, a street, a college. :)

Kewl for you! :)

"I'm a Buddhist - In case of accident, call a Lama" (The Ninth Configuration)


What does "kewl" mean?


kewl, as in just simply a different spelling of COOL

"I'm a Buddhist - In case of accident, call a Lama" (The Ninth Configuration)


"different" or asinine?


uh different. i've seen it before and just 'picked it up'. it's not like i spell it that way in essays for school, mind u. it IS a saying, and so technically, like in speaking the english language, i can say/spell it how ever i want. if i'm getting a grade on it however i will use proper grammar, punctuation, etc.... and i WOULDN'T have the word Cool/Kewl in my essay either. it would discredit my whole point :)

lets uh just leave it at that, eh?

"I'm a Buddhist - In case of accident, call a Lama" (The Ninth Configuration)


"and i WOULDN'T have the word Cool/Kewl in my essay either. it would discredit my whole point :)"

I really think that applies to all facets of life.


"i really think that applies to all facets of life."

actually, slang doesn't apply anywhere but in proper WRITTEN English. Spoken anyone's allowed to sound as dumb as they like, saying things like "i DID done that" (trust me i've heard it and it makes them sound very idiotic), but it all depends on what area of the planet they come from. Appalachian English, obviously spoken in the appalachian area like West Virginia, has a lot of interesting words that aren't accepted as English in other parts of the US. like "justed" -- "I JUSTED DID THAT" lol sounds dumb but apparently at one time as well it used to be a 'correct' way of speaking.

like i said - all depends on your frame of reference. so over "Slang" you have no presidence over what anyone can say. they'll say it whether you think you're right or not.. it's slang.. it's allowed

"I'm a Buddhist - In case of accident, call a Lama" (The Ninth Configuration)


Brooke & I both go to Stony Brook University:)


you're a forum troll


who's a forum troll?

................ and WTF is a forum 'troll' in particular anyways?

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard" (req. line 4 the recent 48hr film challenge regionally)


She is shallow because she went to St.Josephs?? Huh?


If you do not like the fact that I am happy because my college in the movie, it is your problem.

"Deaf people can do anything except hear!" I. King Jordan


Just quit your crusade of self aggrandizement and focus on the issues at hand. You also have some nerve to take a dig at deaf people to boot. You had to qoute a challenged man, didn't you?


I don't think that was a dig. It's a quote, as said by I. King Jordan who himself is deaf.


I AM hard of hearing myself. I truly believe this quote. I respect the D/deaf because I know how it feels when hearing people look down at me.

"Deaf people can do anything except hear!" I. King Jordan


Quit denying the fact that"Brooke" is better in ever aspect of life than you are. Jealousy gets you nowhere, and please quit holding the grudge of her rolling over your foot. She could dunk on you,
