lousy nurses

the nurses at the rehab facility were very pessimistic. She didn't want anyone feeling sorry for her. She wanted to tbe treated like any other person. That I like! Now, people feel sorry for the person if it's a physical disability and write them off if it's mental. They don't want to deal with the mental disability



Sadly, Brooke's experience with the nurses is hardly unique. Often, nurses are overworked, and yes they work within confines of "doctor's orders." Also, especially in the rehab centers, for every Brooke, there are hundreds whose progress is minimal. It's very taxing on nurses, I am sure.

Finding myself actually in Brooke's position, I've learned that for every nurse who is harsh, there are dozens that are really sweet and encouraging. I've also learned not to rely on nurses to be in a great mood, in order for me to have a great day.


Having been in a rehabilitation center, I have to say that not all the nurses were lousy. The last one who talked about facing reality was only trying to get them to realize the situation as it is. She might have been worried that their hope of Brooke learning to breathe on her own might make them careless and not take care to see that she had immediate help if something went wrong and could not breathe. She really wasn't trying to take their hopes away, just trying to get them to temper hope with the situation as it was. I thought that all the rehab nurses were lousy to me, but looking back I can see how their toughness helped me to cope and get better.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts


I actually agree, her inability to ween herself off the ventilator was mostly their fault. It's very unlikely shed gain a full recovery, but gaining partial movement in her arms and breathing is always possible.

Plus I didn't agree with that nurse who said, "Rehab isn't about changing what is, but about learning to live with it."

That's far from the truth. What do you thing drug addicts and alcoholics go to rehab?........its to find ways to break the habit and cycle! Is it always easy??? NO!! But it is definitely possible.
