How old is Bree?

I am doing a class assignment on the film which requires either her age or at least a decent approximation. I was wondering if anybody picked up anything from the film which alludes to her age?
Thanks in advance.


I don't know how reliable this site is, or how they came up with the age. Bree might have mentioned her age (20?) when she had the sexual experience she described as "lesbian," and we know Toby is 17, but in this review, it has her at 37. I'd look for more sources if I were you, but here's the link.

"Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?"


Hi, I know this answer is already too late for you, but for anyone whose wondering about Bree's age, Bree is 40. I paused the film at the part when the police is viewing Bree's driver licence, it's written that Bree born in November 26th, 1964, so it made her 40 in the summer of 2005 (when the movie took the story).
Toby is 17, so Bree made Toby when she was 23.
