First Movie Review Is In

Thought you all might be interested in the first review of the movie from the Defiance Crescent-News:


There was no surprise with Julianne Moore as the protagonist Mom - many people predicted she would be great and she was. And make no mistake about it, just as Evelyn is the star of Terry (Tuff) Ryan’s book, Moore is the star of this movie.

Through her portrayal, we see how strong and determined this woman Evelyn Ryan really was, and how magnificent and beautiful.

OOOOH, I am sooo excoted about this film, WHERE is the UK release date?! I'm increasingly optimistic about it with the Oscars, especially for Ms Moore, she's so long overdue. Woody Harrelson could be a potential nominee too by the sounds of it, and how great would it be for Jane Anderson to be nominated for directing? Assuming she's good, but what little info the reveiw gives suggests she is... A female best director nominee?!! That would rock!

Then the bit from Oprah magazine... "A Tear Jerker starring a brilliant Julianne Moore" It really is sounding good for her. BUT they brought Freedomland forward so it will qualify for the Oscars, and being relesed closer and being more of a departure for her, I think it mayhave more of a shot... Either that or the vote may split and she STILL won't get that Oscar. *Sigh*

President of the IST*cough* Smarty Love *cough*
