saw it and loved it
To be truthfully honest, I had never heard of this movie until i saw it advertised in the Entertainment Weekly Fall Preview Issue. It sparked my interest. I had not see any trailers or preivews on TV for this movie. Than last night on E! News live they mentioned it was out yesterday. Being a huge Julianne Moore fan, I really wanted to see it bc of what I Read in EW. So I drove to the closest theatre playing this movie close to my house which was 40 mins. I am so not sorry for doing this. THis movie was fantastic. Sure the acting was a little choppy, but it was set in 1950-1960's. It was supposed to be like that. I thought Julianne did phenomenal(like she always does..although my fav film of hers is Far From Heaven. I just loved that movie!). Woody was good and the kids in the film were kids! Its a must see if you want to see a true story about a woman who raised her famnily on 25 words or less...
I am now reading the book because the movie was so interesting and well done..DEF one of the years best...under IN HER SHOES..