In memory of Terry and Evelyn...
As someone who was fortunate enough to meet Terry Ryan and experience that wonderful enthusiasm for life, she spread with such grace and good humour, I am feeling her loss deeply.
Much has been written here about Terry's book, and the film which followed in its wake. But I don't feel nearly enough credit has been given to these two wonderful women: Evelyn and Terry Ryan.
The film was just a glimpse into the life of the Ryan family, and the book said so much more. I loved the film... but then I had read the book first, so for me, seeing the family materialise on the big screen was truly magical.
I am about to read the book again... knowing that once more, it will spirit me back to the feeling of being an invisible observer, sitting alongside Evelyn on her worn and sagging sofa, as she scribbles witty jingles in her notebooks - surrounded by her large brood - as always.
People like Terry and Evelyn don't die... their words and deeds live on long after their demise. Type "Evelyn Ryan" into a google search - as I have just done - and the tributes and reviews simply tumble off the pages. Terry had a purpose in life - to tell the story of her mother's great courage and fortitude. I read those words, and felt something change in me... as many of you may have done too.
Evelyn Ryan wasn't a saint, nor was she 'too-good-to-be true'. Those of you who have criticised her for her acceptance of things she didn't have the power to change, just don't get it. Evelyn, and her daughter Terry, were just ordinary women, with extraordinary characters. They couldn't change the world, or make the bad things go away - but they both left their mark edelibly on it.