DVD extras

Did anyone else think the DVD's extras were sorely lacking? All we got was the usual filmmaker commentary, plus some snapshots from the Ryan family.

Wouldn't it be great to have some of Evelyn Ryan's jingles or reproductions of her typewritten entries?

This was a real missed opportunity.


Yep, sure would have been nice to have those extras, plus the bloobers and deleted scenes would have been interesting too. In this day and ages of all these extras on DVDs, surprised they didn't add more.



Right, I would've hoped to see a behind-the-scenes feature, plus interviews with the Ryan kids, at least Tuff (Terry), perhaps scenes from the real Defiance, Ohio (I noticed the movie was filmed in Canada). I am very disappointed nowadays when a DVD has such scant features. Come on, that's what we are paying for with a DVD.


I know Terry Ryan has been very unwell and is still recovering, so she may well have not been up to recording a new interview.


I live near Defiance, ohio and its an alright town just. not too great so youre not missing much by not seeing any pictures of it lol


I think the commentaries are interesting and fun to listen to.
