A horrific glimpse into American Domesticity
The horror of middle class American Domesticity which occurred post WWII is on full display in this terrifying movie; it’s trying to make it seem otherwise. Some kind of subversive savant genius was involved in the pop aesthetic of the movie.
Anyway, right from the title “Prize Winner” you get the social/ family relationships solely exist around a business winner take all mentality; and feature parents unable to separate business from a personal life and the terrible consequences soon to befall them.
Where the War of the Roses showed similar characters, but in that movie they were able to articulate their rage at the fate.
In this movie, it's subtle and unknowing violence people take out on each other. There is no malice; as I don't think these people are really aware of their motivations (or what does motivate them making it so much more deadly); but the same goal:
King of the Castle
Every scene is some form of race, then some strife at someone else's expense. And the kids become collateral damage. Truly tragic.
A foreshadowing of the blanket of nihism running currently in the country today can be in a scene in which the children pray to a company (!!), Dr. Pepper, for their mother win a contest.
The totality of feminity it's spirit being at the whim of a company took my breath away with it's sadness. I had to pause the movie and get a cold class of water and wash away the bad taste in my mouth.
The culmination of emotional and mental warfare leads out to the front steps and you have the greatest scene where she takes out all the emotional belittlement of her words, soul being used for silly jingles:
Woody Harrelson’s dad with a baseball mit, fixing it ... she’s got him sewing! He's trying to offer peace by relating. Nope. She won. Now with his balls gone, she scorns him; as she conquered him, the look on her face at the moment is priceless! Because she doesn't want to have to win. It's brutal. She's still human. But in some ways she comes to understand she can't be to survive.
A great movie to watch after the show Mad Men.
One facet of society putting a spell on the other. A deadly cocktail.